Chapter 8: More Than You Ever Know

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So uh yeah... Early update for everyone!!

I really enjoyed writing this chapter even though I had a lot of ups and downs with it.

While writing this chapter, I had realized that I didn't even know how to flirt so I don't have anything to base it off in the flirting scenes. I'm having a real existential crisis because of that discovery. But oh well, it's like whatever. 

I am really surprised and happy to see that this story had already reached like 14k + views. I still can't believe anyone would like this poor of an excuse shipping wars. But I am really thankful for all those who voted, commented and supported this story

I hope that I'm able to live up to your expectations despite writing whatever I want without a care in the world. 

Anyways, lots of fluff? and progress in this chapter for TodoDeku and especially BakuShima.

Advanced Happy New Year to everyone!!!


"Bakugou class is going to start soon" Kirishima pleaded not knowing how to escape from Bakugou's clutches in quite a compromising position.

Right now, they were on a empty classroom and Bakugou was sitting on the floor with his hands wrapped around Kirishima's waist who was sitting on his lap facing away from him. Kirishima's back was leaning against Bakugou's chest as the blonde alpha nuzzled his head against his nape where his bite mark was placed.

He could feel small vibration in Bakugou's chest and hears a low purr that he was producing making him all calmed and reassured. How they ended up here and what led Bakugou to do this was a blur to Kirishima, but he knew what Bakugou was doing was trying to comfort him from distress; the alpha was crooning his omega.

Crooning is a type of rumbling noise that all Alphas produce. As they're the top dynamic, it's a noise that helps to calm and reassure the other dynamics. Specifically, for Omegas, an Alpha's croon is hugely reassuring and comforting. It tells the Omega's instincts that the Alpha is there protect them, is aware of their struggles and wants to help make it all better.

Kirishima wanted to stand up but his body felt like putty in Bakugou's arms, his instincts were making him relax in his embrace involuntarily. So, he had no choice other than staying still like that until Bakugou deemed that he was already alright.

They stayed still like that for a few minutes just enjoying each other's warmth, even Kirishima was starting to fall asleep in comfort.

"Are you all better now Shitty Hair?" Bakugou asked

Kirishima shot up and faced Bakugou with a blush on his face, realizing that he might have gotten close to the blonde more than necessary. There was a slight protest from his inner omega from pulling away from his mate but Kirishima choose to ignore that.

"I'm fine now" Kirishima smiled at him "But I never thought I'd ever hear you croon. It's really cute to be honest."

"Shut up fucker!" Bakugou raised his hand as if he was about to set off another explosion. "It's only bec of our fucking dynamics that I did that. Didn't I tell you over and over that I can feel your distress through the bond!"

Kirishima squinted his eyes waiting for the blast but it never came. Instead he felt Bakugou messing with his hair

"Uwaah!!! Hey Stop that!!!" Kirishima said holding Bakugou's arm away to stop him "Don't ruin my hair do you know how much effort it takes to make it pointed up!!!" the red head growled making Bakugou stop with it and left Kirishima to fixing his hair.

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