Chapter 19

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Because a lot of people seemed to be not to fond of the idea of me deleting this book and starting over again. I've took in a lot of consideration....

I won't delete this anymore and start all over again (for now) but... I'm still working on the re-edits and will probably post it as another book. Is that a good deal to you my dear readers?


For one last time Kirishima looked in the mirror and Ashido was already flopped on his bed tired from rummaging over his entire closet and choosing outfit to outfit.

Kirishima on the other hand seemed to be brimming with energy from the excitement. He was not always this choosy when it comes to what he wears but today was different. After all today is his date with Bakugou – even though it's technically nothing more than hanging around the town after school.

"Whats the big deal? You're just going out with Bakugou? Aren't you being overly conscious for a date with someone who's by the way already you're mate?" Ashido grinned with a knowing smile making Kirishima blush

"Well, this is technically our first official date"

"Huh? What's with that!? After all this time you two still haven't gone on a single date!! Aren't the two of you doing things out of order?"

Kirishima let out a nervous laugh. She didn't know after all, but she was right. They were doing things in a messed-up order. Becoming mates before falling in love. Sleeping with each other before becoming close with each other.

Ashido just shrugged it off "But oh well, it's been a while since I dolled you up, so I guess it's not that bad" She stood up and ruffled his hair "But let's do something about your hair before you go".

"There you go!!" The female alpha tied his hair in a low pony tail letting some of the short hair fall over the side of his face and tucking it behind his ears. Kirishima looked up at the mirror again, he doesn't know about his hair being in that style, but he'd trust that Ashido knows what she was doing.

Kirishima stood up satisfied with everything "Then I'll need to go get Bakugou now!" he said leaving the room with a huge grin on his face, still feeling excited and wanting to know if the alpha would compliment him about his fashion sense for once.

His steps were bouncing as he walks downstairs when something caught his eyes making him immediately stop and hid over the corner and his mood suddenly turning sour.

Bakugou and Midoriya was talking at the lounge casually. But what made Kirishima surprise id Bakugou wasn't frowning at all, instead the was a warm smile on his face as he looks at the small paper bag that Midoriya was handing to him. Bakugou seem to say something but he was too far to hear what it was.

Kirishima wanted to turn back in that moment. They weren't even doing anything out of ordinary and he was just probably over reacting as well but seeing the two of them together was enough to make him scream in jealous and the guilt that he's been shutting off since he had realized his feelings had once again resurfaced.

Kirishima shook his head. He couldn't turn around and Bakugou would surely feel it if he's in distress. Steeling himself he came out from where he was hiding.

"Hey! Bakugou are you ready?" He called out with his usual smile as he approaches them.

Midoriya jumped in surprise when he let his presence know and Bakugou immediately hid the paper bag in his pocket making Kirishima wonder more what was in there that Bakugou needed to be secretive about it, it made him felt more hurt.

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