Chapter 15: Ambiguous Love

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Hello I'm finally back again.

Sorry for not updating for weeks. I was just really busy a lot recently and well I have been having writers block here and there so a friend had recommended me to just stop entirely working on any fic related for a while and take a break.

Tbh, I'm still not 100% on the writing game yet but I don't want to leave this story for too long as I may lose interest in it if I did so I really tried my best to update this one.

I hope you guys will love it!!!
Bakugou had been acting weird ever since he came back.

Or to be more specific he started acting different towards Kirishima ever since that day and just remembering it still made him feel as if there were thousands of butterflies in his stomach ready to burst out and made him blush.

Though he was still acting the same with everyone and maybe it was just Kirishima's imagination, but when it comes their usual time alone together, the blonde had been a lot gentle and considerate towards him in the subtlest of ways that other people won't realize it.

Even before they become mates they we're – or Kirishima had been touchy with him in a friendly way, but it was always Kirishima being pushy and the blonde would always grumble and sent explosion to him. Which is why he couldn't miss it when Bakugou starts sitting closer to him quietly and doing his own things while snuggling.

Truth to be told, it's not that Kirishima hates it but at the same time it could be the death of him. At how Bakugou was so adorably shy that he just couldn't be honest with what he wanted. He appreciates it on how the blonde had been so caring about him.

Still... It might be normal for mates to be that intimately close and even if it just felt so right and comfortable for the both, it was just wrong.

This kind of affection wasn't supposed to be given to him. He doesn't deserve it nor was it intended for him.

Everything was a mistake.

From that day, everything was nothing more than their instinct taking control of them. It was simply an act between a bonded alpha and omega, an act of imprinting each other's presence after having to go through the fear of almost having lost each other's other half.

After all, since then Bakugou had never touched him again with such passion. Or so Kirishima had thought bitterly as he reminiscence the memory of his touch with a blush on his face.

The moment he caught himself thinking about it Kirishima gave himself a slap on his cheek making his poor skin sting from the impact. He shouldn't be thinking about such thing at all. He can't, and he shouldn't!!

Light knock was heard over his door making him jolt up in curiosity. He looked up at the clock and it was already 2:00 am in the morning which made him wonder who it was until his phone vibrated and saw a message from Kaminari and immediately knew that the guy is up to something stupid.

He didn't bother opening the lights as Kirishima stood from his bed to make his way over the door.

The dim yellow lights that kept the entire hallway illuminated throughout the night was bit painful for his eyes but still he couldn't miss the shitty grin plastered on the blonde's face that tells him that he really was up to something stupid.

"Dude, it's past midnight what do you want?"

He grinned at him "I can't sleep knowing that my soon to be mate is just in the other side of the building and I might as well do you guys a favor and bring you along"

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