Chapter 3: Parents Knows Best?

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The long awaited UPDATE!!!

TGIF!!! Nope, I still need to wake up really early tomorrow since I still have work and it sucks.

I'm sorry that it's taking me quite some time to update this one. I really love this work and I didn't want to rush it just so I could say that I'm able to update consistently and  also I've been really busy for the past week so I wasn't able to do anything at all. 

I'm still amazed that a lot of people are reading and looking forward to this book. Just 3 chapter and 2 weeks of being published and it already got 2k+ views. This might be the first book that I made that received a lot of attention in the early chapter. I'm so happy (ToT).

As the tittle states, this chapter will include a lot of their parents thoughts which was actually fun to write. Turns out parents have a lot of worries when it comes to their child. 

I always liked the idea of Izuku being All Might's secret love child which is what I put in this story and I love it!!! And how about Endeavor..? Well he's still him but a little bit less disagreeable but still shit and would still make you want give him a good DETROIT SMASH!

Anyways enjoy


"Really now!!" Recovery Girl huffed indignantly "Not only you are helpless as a mentor but you're a terrible guardian as well!!" Recovery Girl said to All Might who's in his lanky stick form and hitting him with her syringe shaped cane.

They were in a different building situated away from the main building, heavily guarded and filled with security devices. This room was a facility specially prepared by U.A for omega students who'll have their sudden heat in the school. There were different rooms that was tightly enclosed to make sure that the heat pheromones won't spread.

"Ouch, ouch... I'm truly sorry, I didn't think it'll be that bad." He winced rubbing the area that was hit to ease the pain

"You better be! How could you have let this boy kept suppressing his heat for almost a year!? Thanks to that his pheromones are 3 times thicker compared to the normal and his hormones are out of whack causing his heat to be painful and harder to suppress, and he'll have harder time during his heat right now especially with the discovery of his fated mate and all"

"I'm sorry but I thought that it would be best, after all he had his horrible experience in the past so I just let it be"

Recovery Girl sighed again "Well did you at least let his mother know?"

"Yes, and I told her that I'll take care of it but—"

All Might was cut off when the door slid open and Uraraka stood there with a small woman who looked exactly like Izuku, looking extremely worried and flustered but once her eyes landed on All Might she glared at him making the blonde man flinch and almost instinctively hid behind Recovery Girl who watched in amusement, seeing the most formidable alpha she's known of cowering in the eyes of a female beta.

"Welcome you must be Mrs. Midoriya" Recovery Girl said in delight and offered the two girls a seat while All Might had stayed paralyzed on the side trying to avoid her eyes

"How is my Izuku doing!?" she stated in concern as she took a seat next to Uraraka who was just as concerned

"Though there were some little commotion earlier he's safe now and he's currently sleeping in one of the rooms. He had took a suppressants much more necessary earlier but all in all, he should be doing well. I already gave him some blockers so that he can go home with you for today without worries"

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