Chapter 9: Sparks of Lies and Love

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This chapter will be on the part of the pre- and post end of the term exam in the anime. Though I've entirely avoided the actual exam because I don't want to write it up and well I don't want anything serious... yet.

I really did this chapter in a rush so forgive me if there are a lot of weird English, grammar, spelling, and a lot of stuff. Though I'm really bad at writing fluff I really enjoy writing up this one, though I hope that you guys enjoy this too.

This chapter contains!!!

TodoDeku fluff

BakuShima Drama 

KamiSero pouting

And a new ship!!!


If anyone had thought that Izuku was meek and submissive because of his jumpy personality and his secondary gender. If they thought that they can easily take advantage of him because of that, they might get their asses handed to them as Izuku can easily wipe the floor with them.

Or so that's what Shoto had thought as he blocks Izuku's consecutive attacks

The two were sparring with each other in preparation for the upcoming end of the semester exams. Though everyone is pretty much reviewing for the written exams with Momo the two had opted to hone their skills for the practicals instead. Especially since Shoto had been so worried about Izuku's destructive quirk.

But as it turns out he was just being worried for nothing

Shoto let out both fire and ice to make steam that would help hinder Izuku's vision giving him time to get away from his relentless attacks.

He took a deep breath sensing where the smaller boy would appear next. As soon as he felt a slight movement from behind him he immediately made a wall of ice and Izuku's leg got caught in the ice but the greenette had easily freed himself from it before delivering a punch that Shoto had immediately block with his ice.

Izuku jumped away, shaking the few ices that was still sticking onto his leg before lunging forward and giving Shoto a hard tackle on his abdomen but before he could execute his move Shoto had immediately pushed him down.

Not giving Izuku to compose himself Shoto swiftly moved with practiced ease in martial arts. From the back mount, he placed his right arm in front of Izuku's neck and grab his collar with your thumb on the inside and got a very deep grip. Shoto then took his left hand under Izuku's left arm-pit and grab the other side of his collar. Making sure that he wasn't gripping tightly to avoid choking Izuku

Shoto had Izuku restrained with a perfect exaction of the Sliding Lapel Choke technique.

"It's my win Midoriya" Shoto purred behind his ears, loving how he got the omega restrained before him.

"I wonder... About that!" Izuku muttered trying to break free from him and activating his quirk to overpower him.

Sensing that he'd be overturned, Shoto immediately jumped away from Izuku with a grin on his face.

"What's wrong Todoroki-kun? Is that all you got" Izuku taunted "If you don't take this seriously I'll make you regret it"

Seeing the omega challenge him gave Shoto a pleasurable shudder in his spine, the dual colored Alpha definitely liked his omega being all feisty and the idea of restraining Izuku like earlier and seeing how he'd get free from him, excites him. It gives his primal instinct a thrill of chasing an omega and he loved it.

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