Chapter 18

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Heya Everyone!!!

I absolutely cannot believe that this story already had 40+K v views and 2000 votes. It's just ADKJNAKDNSAKFN!!!!!!!

Thank you everyone for supporting this story I really really appreciate it.

Which is why I have an important announcement by the end of this chapter. But for now please enjoy this chapter


Uraraka had been tossing and turning on her bed. It's been day after her breakdown and while it might be awkward from time to time, things between her and Iida was still frustratingly the same and it was making her more and more irritable.

If I hang around him when I'm near heat, then maybe... So, she thought but her face suddenly scrunched in disgust to that. Was she that desperate to stoop so low and it'll be unfair to that alpha.

She sighed rolling on her bed and not caring for some random items that she might have sent floating around the room until her feet knocked her bag down to the floor. She groaned not wanting to stand up from the comfort of her bed, but she still does anyway and began picking up the scattered contents of her bag.

That's where she saw the very source of heartbreak. She had completely forgot that she had slipped the letter in her bag and that person might still be waiting.

She sighed as she opened the letter. It made her blush but other than that she didn't really fell much about it though she could tell that person must've put in a lot of effort to write this and courage to even give this to her. She better gives her reply because it was only fair.

Knowing that you're rejected and knowing the reason despite it being painful must be a hundred times better than being left to wonder why.

Uraraka smiled to herself. Maybe this is what she needs to do as well. If she was going to be rejected she might as well, get these feelings out in the open and end it and maybe she'd be able to give up and move on instead of sulking and making her everyone worry about it.

At least she's prepared for the outcome now.


"Shou...chan..." Izuku whimpered as he feels Shoto's lips pressed against his neck

Izuku heard a light growl from the alpha before Shoto had reluctantly pulled away from him and looked at him by the eyes with worried look, cupping his face "Are you still scared?" he asked.

Izuku shook his head with a small smile in his lips. Ever since he started seeing a specialist, things have been getting better and better. What was more fun about that is that to help him Shoto would always need to be a close presence to, experimenting how far they should go with their intimacy.

Now Izuku was already better. He hadn't had any nightmares nor panic attack in the recent as well. 

"No, it's just Recovery Girl said that we only have to be moderate about this else another pseudo-heat might trigger again due to too stimulation"

Shoto pouted. Reluctant to stop showing affection to his mate but he knew better than to push it. While the therapist encouraged that they have as much as contact possible they shouldn't have too much of it as it might accidentally become a trigger as well.

The alpha wouldn't risk starting from scratch all over again just because he couldn't hold himself back and Izuku would totally be disappointed if they must trash all their plans for their mating. Especially after they have gone with all the trouble to plan for it.

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