Chapter 16: I think I...

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Heya!! Sorry for the late update.

I was planning on posting this last Saturday night but I while I was writing I ended up having a staring competition with my computer so I opted to take a rest until I was able to come up with something to write again, rather than write something half assed.

This chapter might be one of my favorites I swear the tittle also had a lot to do with the chapter and it just have soo many feels

Well, I'll let you judge it.

Please enjoy reading


Blue eyes meet hazel.

"Iida-Kun..." Uraraka whispered. Iida immediately jolt upright with a blush on his face.

"Uraraka...I..." Iida stutters pathetically. He was surprised by the fact that Uraraka had the greatest timing in waking up and how much he had such low self-control to do something like that to his friend.

Most of all he was surprised by his own actions. He couldn't believe that he'd stoop so low as to take advantage of her and steal a kiss. Uraraka doesn't deserve this but even I'm so he needed to explain himself to her and make things clear.

Uraraka's face reddened as her brain finally caught up on what was happening, and she had instinctively activated her quirk, making the alpha weightless as she pushed Iida away. Probably a little bit too hard as the alpha's back slam against the wall with a loud thudding sound followed by him wincing in pain.

"Oh my god Iida!!!" Uraraka gasped as she checks on the blue haired male and knelt beside him to check if he was okay, completely forgetting about the kiss

"Are you alright!? I'm sorry I didn't mean to push you that hard!" She asked frantically, the impact did sound rather bad and she was going in distress.

"Uraraka-kun calm down. It's not that painful" Iida rubbed her neck to male her calm down and she still kept apologizing about it making him guiltier.

"You don't need to apologize." He chided "I'm the one who should be saying that after all I di—"

Before Iida could finish what, he was about to say blush erupted on her face all over again and she immediately stood up "I remember I need to do something with Deku-kun!!" She shouted cutting him off and at the same time dashing away leaving Iida speechless at how fast she was.

The blue haired male stood up. Ignoring the pain from his back as he tries to follow Uraraka to explain. He was about to open the door to Midoriya's room when it opened and next thing he knew Todoroki was being pushed out.

The dual haired alpha looked quite dumbfounded as if he didn't know what just happened.

He was just cuddling with Midoriya one moment and then Uraraka barged in with her entire face red but her scent screams of distress then he was pushed out without question.

Todoroki looked at Iida who was blushing profusely and couldn't look at him in the eyes.

"I'll take it that you messed up big time" he commented as he gave him a pat on the shoulder.

The two alpha sighed heavily. There's no way that they'd be able to get to talk with the two omegas now that they've holed themselves in Midoriya's room.

It must've too much of a shock for the female omega and it would be better if he gave her a little bit of time to process everything. Though Iida wished he could have talk to her before she ran away. Hopefully Uraraka would feel like talking to him by tomorrow.

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