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a slow, soothing beat reverberates through go daeun's brain. with a smile gracing her lips, she continues her day at the bakery, attempting to fill the massive orders of cupcakes some guy requested.

seriously, who needs 169 cupcakes for a "small" get together? who also orders that two days before? just the thought of the ridiculous order annoys daeun and just as her mood began to elevate once again, it's deflated.

her soulmate started the one annoying habit she already knew they had: repeating one part of the song over and over.

she attempted to pass the time by making the best of her situation, following the beat of the familiar song as she decorated. with each beat, a small flower made of icing was created, and every time that godforsaken part repeated, a cupcake was completed. by the time the song had finally turned off, she had made 50 cupcakes in just under an hour.

daeun may hate her soulmate's habit, but at least it helped her baking.

her studies? not so much.

her neighbor didn't help much either. he always blasted his music, the vibrations from the wall between them mixed with the beats inside daeun's head keeping her out of focus. whenever this happened, she would smack on the wall and in a few moments, the obnoxious beats would miraculously stop, the ones in her head quieting down but still present.

it became a cycle, an unbearable cycle, but one nonetheless.

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