xiii. smile

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❝It doesn't matter who hurt you, or broke you down, what matters is who made you smile again

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❝It doesn't matter who hurt you, or broke you down, what matters is who made you smile again.❞


eunbi woke up with a sharp pain in her stomach, groaning out loud. she opened her eyes and adjusted to the surroundings around her. she was in a hospital, she could feel a bandage on her stomach and she also also had an iv drop stuck in her vein (it was very uncomfortable.)

yerin approached her immediately, sitting up from her position at the couch and hurrying over to her bed and asking her lots of questions she knows she couldn't  answer because her mouth was parched as fuck.

"are you okay? you need anything?" she pointed at the glass of water in the bedside table and yerin reached out to give it to her.

"why is there a bandage in my stomach? was it that bad?" eunbi asked when she chugged the whole glass down, yerin was already pouring her glass with water again.

yerin shook her head before answering, handing her anither glass of water. "it wasn't that bad. but they said that you recieved a blunt trauma from the kick and your liver was slightly injured, it was bleeding a little bit too so they decided to put some bandage over it. they said having an injury to your abdomen is really dangerous so they told me not to let you move your upper body around too much. you can probably go back to dancing in a week since it was only a mild injury. the nurses also put some oitment on your neck so the nail marks will heal sooner." she explained, taking the glass water from her and setting it down the table. 

"a week? but i need to practice my dance project. i need to finish it by the end of the month." eunbi said. great.

"i'm sorry but that's what the doctors said. we can go home now though, they said we can but we need to call a nurse first so she can properly take your iv drop." yerin answered her, patting her head to comfort her. eunbi leaned into her touch immediately, sighing.

"no one knew about what happened right?" 

"no one knew." yerin told her, now massaging her scalp. "i didn't report them. although i think i should, but i know you wouldn't want to."

"i don't want to report them. if i do, it will be the end of their careers and i know they'll hate me more for it." eunbi said smiling up at her. "besides, i got something out of it didn't i?" this earned a laugh from the older, smiling back fondly at her. 

"you got yourself a girlfriend, yes." 

"did i really? you're too beautiful, i feel really ugly next to you." eunbi admitted,  smiling sheepishly. yerin stopped massaging her scalp and cupped her cheeks instead, kissing her in the nose.

"you're beautiful. you're really really pretty. you have an amazing personality, you have an amazing body, you're good at dancing too. i think you're enough for me." she said and eunbi's cheeks brightened up immediately, swatting her hands away from hr cheeks in embarrassment.

"are you really this cheesy? i hate you now. go away." she whined, hiding her blushing face in the covers, making yerin laugh loudly.

"i will go away, i'll inform the nurses you're awake so we can go home." yerin says, making her way to the door. 


"yeah?" she asks, uncovering her face from the hospital's sheets.

"i still like you." and with this sentence, she made eunbi the brightest red, punching the air to rid of her feelings when she left the room.


"what would you like for dinner, eun?" yerin asked, after eunbi got released from the hospital an hour ago and both of them went back home (eunbi will admit that she was touched by that.) so eunbi can relax properly. 

"anything is fine, eonnie." she answered, not looking up from the assignments and essays she was working on. jirin, one of her almost-friends-but-not-really-but-really-nice-people friends, gave her all the things the teachers gave them to work on. there were a few ones that they  had to pass tomorrow and she just needed to get them done.

"'s that mrs. holly's science experiment essay? i had her two years ago i think. i have my essay in one if the drawers, maybe you can find something useful in them considering i passed science with it. i don't even know why we have to study science! we're actors!" yerin said, pointing at the drawer near her tv. eunbi thanked her and when she opened the drawer, there were lots of papers and essays stuffed there to keep them for memories or for the future. one was labeled 'for yewon: next year english notes' which she assumed was for one of her younger friends, although she had never heard of yewon before.

some of them were old essays from this year that wouldn't have any use to her but kept anyway. some were new ones from last week, like chicken coupons, a few entertainment company audition flyers and some school clubs that were asking for new members. 

but what caught her eye was the paper that had bold letters in it. it was an audition to get a recommendation. she remembered when fei, an up and coming actress that just started dancing told them that a recommendation is important since when they give you a recommendation, the company will sign you immediately. no questions asked.

and that was today. 

and yerin has been with her all day.

she missed her audition.

she couldn't have a recommendation because of her.

"hey eonnie." she called out hesistantly, still reading the paper. 

"yeah? is there something wrong with the essay? i think i have a draft saved in my laptop, you can use it." yerin answered, looking up from where she was cutting up vegetables.

"oh, no. it's just you didn't tell me auditions to have a reccomendation is today. you could've went back to continue, you shouldn't have stayed with me in the hospital till i woke up." 

"it's fine, eun. if i didn't come to get you, you're probably in a much worse state. if you're safe it's okay, i don't need the reccomendation anyway." yerin lied, "i already have a few offers already."

she was lying, eunbi knew she was lying. she needed the recommendation to get a permanent career in acting and because of her she lost her chance. the auditions only happen every year, and yerin could've made the list if it wasn't for her.

"i know you're feeling sorry again but i can assure you that it's fine, eun. i don't  need the recommendation if you end up badly hurt. i need you to be okay and you are okay. so it's fine." 

"i'm really sorry, you should've gotten that. why do you still like me?" she whined, burying her face in her hands. she heard yerin chuckle fondly before saying,

"because i like you. end of story."

"you're cheesy." 

"yeah, well, you're so cute when you blush, baby."

eunbi blushed harder. 

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