xxv. cry

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❝Look into my eyes, It's where my demons hide

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❝Look into my eyes, It's where my demons hide. Don't get too close, It's dark inside.❞ Imagine Dragons, Demons



eunbi was cold.

she was all alone in the dark bedroom. black curtains preventing any light from coming through and the lights were turned off, the room was in total darkness.

it didn't help that the ac was in the coldest setting. eunbi didn't want to stand up from her position.

she was curled up like a ball, blanket covering her body and she looked at the wall blankly. the wall contained a picture: her and yerin.

it was taken at the hospital, a month before both of them had broken up. yerin had her right arm around her waist while eunbi made a peace sign. they were both smiling widely. they looked happy.

it hurt her a bit.

she was all alone.



how pathetic, she spat bitterly to herself.

and suddenly she broke. the thin line that was holding her sanity snapped. and she cried.

tear tracks covered her face while she heard voices. the voice was the monster she feared, his voice was malicious, angry and merciless.

eunbi whimpered, bringing her thighs up her chest. she rocked back and forth, putting her hands in her ears to try and block the voice, muttering broken phrases of "stop please." and "please, please. i can't take it anymore."

her heart hurt. she wanted someone. she needed someone. to comfort her and love her.

but she messed up her chance.

it was too late for her.

"you're disgusting."

she trembled.

"whore. slut."

she breathed deeply, she pressed her palms harder.

"you're nothing. no one loves you."

eunbi cried harder. the blanket fell on the floor.

"yerin never loved you. she just stayed with you because you were pitiful."

the voice laughed maniaclly. it sounded so familiar when she last saw jackson. when he almost killed her.

it was like her nightmares all over again.

this time she screamed. eunbi was shaking so hard the bed was creaking. tears covered her youthful face and the girl looked so wrecked.

her once happy and lively face now reduced to this.

she can't do this anymore.

she had to do it.

she wants to do it.

it's the only thing that takes away the pain. even though it only lasts for a few seconds or minutes.

after a while, eunbi stood up. she was swaying slightly, clutching on the ends of tables or chairs to keep her balance steady as she made her way to the bathroom.

when she gets there, eunbi opens the door softly, flicking the light switch on. she cringes at the sudden light that attacked her eyes and she squuezed it shut before she opened it again.

the voice was still there. but it wasn't as loud as it is as before. it was like an echo, and it didn't stop.

eunbi opened a drawer that was full of random things she stored in there. sanitary napkins, boxes of tissues, toothpaste, a toothbrush and a knife.

it had been so long since she had done this. relying on pills to keep her going. she missed the adrenaline, the feeling that she had no problems, the slight ticklish feeling when the blood trickled down.

the knife was very sharp. she remembered when she had first done it. one slash and it felt like she was going to heaven, her mind immediately went blank and she passed out on the floor.

"nice too meet you again." she said, almost sarcastically. her voice sounded scratchy.

eunbi looked at the mirror. she looked stressed. her eyes held no emotion but it was red from the crying, she had bags the size of a raccoon, her black hair was messed up and her mouth was shaped into an ugly frown.

she looked like a mess.

the girl looked away from the mirror and she rolled up the sleeves of her oversized sweater. there were faint lines that decorated both of her wrists. marks that were a permanent reminder to her. the scars were fading but she knows that she can never erase them again.

"i'm sorry." she apologized to no one.

and she did it.

eunbi hissed at the slight pain when she pressed the tip of the knife at her wrist. in one swift movement, she did it. the skin was open, and blood was flowing out. the liquid dropped on the floor making a soft "plop" sound and she felt the tickling feeling of the blood down the insides of her clothes.

she felt weak. as if all the energy was sucked off of her body. but she managed.

eunbi let the knife fall down the floor. it made a loud noise, splattering the floor with more blood. her head was pounding, and she momentarily forgot everything.

she stared off the space.

she didn't mind the throbbing pain her wrist.

eunbi was falling asleep. . . almost.

i want to sleep.

the girl went out the bathroom and got some sleeping pills next to her bedside drawer and swallowing two, drinking water with her other hand.

she slammed the glass cup down the wooden drawer, gaining some balance and stopping her swaying.

but before she can even get to bed, her body gave out on her and she fell down the floor.

am i going to die now?

her body made a loud thud when it came in contact with the hard floor. it made her headache impossibly worse and she ached all over.

her eyelids fluttered shut.

sweet dreams.

she fell asleep on the cold floor, a pool of blood already collecting at her left wrist as it poorly rest next to the top of her head.

yes, sweet dreams.

forget all of the pain.

i want to die.

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