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By the time the sun had risen Arthur, Gwaine, Mordred, Leon and Percival were already in the forest searching through trees to find Merlin.

Arthur knew Merlin was just a servant and not even a very good one however the thought of having a different servant, having a life without Merlin crushed him. Merlin seemed part of him, he was brave and funny and always stuck up for him. Believe it or not, a silly servant had become his best friend although he could never admit that.

"SIRE!" Gwaine screeched noticing a clearing and the two poles with bits of rope on that had held Merlin tight.

They drew their swords creeping into the clearing. When they knew no one was there, Arthur sprinted over to the posts finding Merlin curled up on the ground. He shook him softly and Merlin peeled his eyes open and started nervously shaking.

"Please no," Merlin whimpered, tears slipping out of his eyes

"It's me, Arthur" he whispered calmly.


"Yes, what happened?" The concerned King asked

"Morgana, you should go she will be here soon," Merlin stated

Arthur dragged Merlin up, Merlin biting his lip wanting to scream out as he felt his cuts tearing, but he didn't want to concern Arthur.

When they got out of the forest and began riding back to Camelot Arthur wondered what happened to Merlin. What had Morgana done to him? He seemed fine, but it was Morgana...

"What happened? How did she get you?" Arthur questioned

Merlin's mind raced, he wasn't going to tell Arthur he fell out of a tree, not after the lake incident.

"I ran into a tree..." 'Damn it, why did I say that?' Merlin thought angrily to himself.

"You... Ran into a tree?" Arthur laughed "You're unbelievable Merlin!"

"Yeah... Fell unconcious and she obviously took me then and I woke up tied up," He explained

"What did she want? What did she do? How did you get out of the rope? Why didn't you run off?"

Was there no end to this interrogation? Merlin ran through his memory picking out certain bits he felt he could tell Arthur.

"She wanted to know about Camelot's defences-" he started

"Did you tell her?"

"No. She um..." Merlin thought of a way to skip all the cuts on his body, "the rope was too weak, it snapped,"

Arthur grinned at him, proud Merlin hadn't told Morgana anything, he was a loyal person and that's what made Arthur love him.

Merlin's horse came to an unexpected halt and caused Merlin to topple of his horse, tumbling to the ground.

"Your so clumsy Merlin!" Gwaine sighed.

Arthur spun his head around looking at Merlin on the ground, his t-shirt fallen half way up his body, which merlin immediately pulled down.

"Merlin?" Arthur said


"What was that?"

"What was what?" Merlin replied plainly.

"On your arms and - "

"Nothing," Merlin exclaimed hurriedly.

"They weren't there the other day in the lake!" The King said.

Merlins heart was pounding in his painful, scratched up, chest, his brain buzzing nervously trying to work out what to say, how to function.

Arthur slowed down his horse and quickly leaned over, pulling Merlin's top and sleeves up [wink wink] revealing dark red cut lines still bleeding out a bit.

"What the hell happened?" He screeched astounded, how was Merlin able to act so normal with all that pain?

"Morgana," Merlin repeated awkwardly.

"And you didn't tell her the defences?"


Arthur had thought Merlin was brave, but this, this was insanely brave! Sure he would have done it, but he was the King! He had to protect Camelot and he was used to pain, Merlin was just a servant and could easily betray Camelot. Arthur stared in amazement and admiration at Merlin who continued to silently ride to Camelot.

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