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"I do not say things like that Merlin! Or sit like that - or walk like that!" Arthur sighed exasperated.

"Well I am sorry. I'm just not used to being you!" Merlin replied with sarcasm in his voice.

"I hope your not being rude, I'm the ki-"

"No, I think your forgetting I'm the king," Merlin said enjoying his power.

In a way Merlin was thankful this had happened, it was defiantly a distraction from what he had attempted days before. However he hated being in this large sweaty body, that was so much heavier than his. He felt violated, watching someone in his own body, thinking someone else would be rattling about in there. They could do whatever with his body and that was disturbing.

Outside the clusters of clouds had darkened to a gloomy grey and a greeny yellow sunset struggled past trying to continue shining upon Camelot.

"You don't mean... I have to sleep here?" Arthur groaned, pulling a face that may have suited Arthur's face but really shouldn't be pulled on Merlin's.

"Don't pull that face! I look like a deformed rabbit!" Merlin yelped.

"When don't you?" Arthur replied, thankfully dropping the weird expression.

"I could have you locked up for that!" Merlin exclaimed cleverly.

Suddenly a rush of agony filled Merlin, it felt like someone had chucked icy water on him and then burned him in flames.

"I can feel the cuts!" He gasped, staggering back a bit at the unexpected Jabs of pain.

"That's weird. I can't any more. Have you got a knife anywhere?"

Merlin nodded, scuttling to his room and reappearing seconds later, a small knife in his large hands that glimmered in the candlelight

"What have you got a knife in your room for?" Arthur asked, chuckling in a weird high pitched way. "Any way, cut my finger." He commanded.

"What?" Merlin spluttered.

"Not deep, just a light scratch," He ordered.

Merlin jabbed the knife against Arthur's bodies thumb, watching beads of blood seep through the cut.

"I said a light scratch!" Arthur muttered, his face creasing in pain so his skin stretched and overlapped making Merlin's face look old.

"Stop. Doing that." Merlin rushed, realising he looked a bit too much like Emrys.

"So we know if we hurt this body the other person feels it. That's going to be a problem. What if one of us gets hurt badly and we don't realise?" Arthur panicked.

"We will have to make sure we realise. And go to Gaius. It might not hurt you but it could be killing the other person. Let's just try to stick together," Merlin suggested.

As Clear As Blood (A Merlin Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now