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Arthur entered a small tavern at the bottom of a long hill, it stood crooked and hidden by the trees, the wood camouflaging in with the ancient tree trunks.

There were some eyebrows raised at the sight of Merlin's flimsy body stumbling through the door but other than that he plonked himself peacefully down at a table.

"Where you off to?" One guy said swinging his head to Arthur sourly.

"Them mountains," Arthur said nodding his head in the direction of the towering picturesque mountains.

"Your kidding?"

"No, why would-"

"You'll die!" The man spat


"Them mon'ains they guarded ain't they? By a beast a 'orrible beast. An' we had the best come 'ere try an' defeatin' it but no way none of 'em lot survived. Ain't no body ever g'nna kill her!" The man explained his voice lowering to a rumble, "takin' no offence but we 'ad a monster of a man, a huge guy taller than this buildin' muscles strong as metal! You never g'nna survive up there 'cause look at ya!"

Arthur sniffed, his body stiffening, "I can kill it, what does it look like?"

"Like a dragon but worse - it looks like hell," the man grunted, standing up over Arthur and then turning his back, "looks like hell, an' it is jus' that,"

Arthur pored his thick strong drink down his throat and nodded gratefully to the man.


The cave was mostly grey and brown, drops of water would fall from the top and drip onto Merlin and Gwaine's heads occasionally. There was sometimes a flash of light from the cave walls, like a shining silver but other than that the cave only seemed to get darker and duller pulling both Merlin and Gwaine's moods down.

As all hope was dying from inside them, a soulful music began playing from further within the cave, it seeped through every crack in the rocky walls and drenched the air in its sombre tune. Gwaine pulled a puzzled expression to Merlin causing Merlin to shrug. The darkness of the cave began to cover them both up like a blanket until they could no longer be seen and light this deep in the cave seemed presious, they attempted to gather it up and spread it out before them but it ran from their very arms leaving them in the blinding darkness.

A light sparked; it was like a candle, flickering and crackling wildly however it was a magenta and it was deep within the wall and sent a glow of purple into the cave. A man seemed to appear from simply mist and smoke, he turned to Merlin his eyes searching through his very brain.

"I know why you have come here," the man stated his voice low and rumbling voice vibrating within the rock walls. Merlin feared the man would call his Emrys but he only sighed and looked at him with sad eyes.

"How do I get it?" Merlin stuttered nervously, his eyes darting around his surroundings surreptitiously.

"I'm sorry - you must stand here," the man grunted.


"You will die, you will die and the cure will be given,"  the man muttered, Merlin's eyes widened but he let no fear out.

"Okay," Merlin declared bravely taking a step forward only to be pulled back by Gwaine.

"You can't!" He hissed, "I'll do it,"

"Idiot no you won't," Merlin replied and he launched himself onto the stage where Gwaine watched with horror.

"Please! You can't -" Gwaine begged, but the man just watched Merlin curiously.

Merlin felt his palms run with sweet, he gripped onto his clothes tightly, straining to see what would happen. The floor began to crumble, he could feel it falling slowly and then quickly, his body falling and then colliding with something. He opened his eyes to still see a dull cave.  The ceiling was broken from where he'd just fallen from, his hands were grazed but other than that he was fine.

"Why?" The man whispered almost sadly.

"For Arthur,"

"No-" his head shook with emotions, the man was too upset for words yet only his eyes could tell his feelings, his face stayed stoney and stern. "I'm sorry Emrys," he whispered again.

Merlin turned his head and then turned back again; the man was gone. Infront of Merlin were ghostly figures, Lancelot and Uther, Freya and his father and Will, they were all there, staring glassy eyed at him. Their footsteps were silent on the uneven cave floor as they began to circle a bewildered Merlin.

"Look what you did to me, all because of your precious Arthur!" Will snarled, pointing to an arrow wound which blood was pouring out of.

"I'm sorry! I tried-" Merlin croaked, tears pricking in his eyes

"I should have told the King you were a sorcerer! I should never have taken the blame not for you!"

"Oh Merlin and to think I fell in love with you, the man who let me die, the man who let me die!" Freya screamed angrily.

"But Freya I lo-"

"No you don't! Don't lie! NO LIES! You never loved me, not really. The second you saw Arthur after our kiss your heart turned cold. There was regret,"

"Yes but-"

"You. A stupid mental servant, you, a sorcerer! Power unimaginable you were never worthy, I should have killed you- sorcerer or not!" Uther snapped, lashing out towards the cowering Merlin, "taking my son's body like that - EVIL! You are evil!"

"Tell me I didn't die saving you," Lancelot and his father both groaned.

"I'm sorry you never, I never -"

"You never wanted this? Oh but you did just! You're a murderer!"

"Murderer!" They changed, their ice voices haunting Merlin like a taunting memory.

"Look what you turned me into!" Morgan's familiar voice shrill in despair, "it's your fault I try to kill Arthur, you tried to kill me. I thought you were my friend - I'm glad your not look at you!" She laughed mockingly.

"Merlin the idiot, aren't you Merlin? Useless! I'd be better off without you!" Arthur stated.

"Get rid of me then!" Merlin managed to cry weakly.

"The world wouldn't gain from that though -" he replied.

"Useless servant. Your not my friend,"
"I never loved you,"
"Your no son of mine!"
"Burn! Burn! Burn!"
"Your a murderer, look at me look what you've done!"
"I hate you"
"Useless servant. Your not my friend,"
"I never loved you,"
"Your no son of mine!"
"Burn! Burn! Burn!"
"Your a murderer, look at me look what you've done!"
"I hate you"
"Useless servant. Your not my friend,"
"I never loved you,"
"Your no son of mine!"
"Burn! Burn! Burn!"
"Your a murderer, look at me look what you've done!"
"I hate you"

They repeated in a never ending way with their dead, lifeless tone in their voice and their glass eyes see through like a window. They were like ghosts. Were like ghosts. Like ghosts. Ghosts. Not real. 

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