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[oh my god chapter 30 already!?]

Merlin squeezed his eyes shut blocking out the faces that were poring hell into his mind. He could hear their voices still, their words crawling on his skin slipping into his mind and staining his happiness.

"Useless servant. Your not my friend,"
"You don't know I have magic!" Merlin screamed
"I never loved you,"
"You did!" He cried desperately
"Your no son of mine!"
"But you died for me!" Merlin replied
"Burn! Burn! Burn!"
"Not for you!" He whispered, his voice cracking
"Your a murderer, look at me look what you've done!"
"Morgana I had to! You know that!" Merlin explained frantically
"I hate you"
"I hate me too!" He screeched
"Ok," he croaked, collapsing to his knees, "ok,"


Arthur ran the thick sharp blade of the sword slowly along his hand, admiring the way the sun pounced onto it and then leapt off like an animal.

He dragged himself to the bottom of the mountain which was casting a shadow over him trying to intimidate him; it only made Arthur more determined.

He scrambled up the crumbling rocks, fearful he would not succeed but letting his determination fill his soul and control him as much as possible. The flowers were not much further, they were a deep royal purple with a hint of lilac on them, their leaves twisted next to them nudging the delicate petals. Arthur reached his hand and plucked one away it fell neatly into his hand and he curled his fingers gently around it lovingly. Suddenly a large roar bounced through the air, Arthur saw people below him pointing and running.

A giant head silently weaved itself around the mountain and Arthur nervously turned his head, his heart ripping his chest open. His eyes locked onto large yellow serpent like ones. Arthur steadied his breathing and wrapped his fingers tightly around his sword. From the beast there was a creaking noise like an old door, two large wings expanded, the creature stretched out for the first time in many years.

It's jaw opened showing off endless rows of yellowing teeth as sharp as his own sword. Instead of fire, wind threw itself out from the monsters lungs and straight for Arthur.

A tale as long as a river crashed angrily onto the floor, his eyes turned orange like fire flashing in his eyes with the anger deep in the monsters soul.

Arthur plunged his sword towards the beast but bird like talons swiped him away with ease. He stumbled up his eyes searching for the monster but all he could see was Merlin. Merlin body Merlin. He was looking into the eyes he was looking out of which froze his heart.

"Arthur! Kill me!" Merlin ordered, tauntingly.

"I don't listen to what you order I order you about!" Arthur replied nervously.

Merlin stabbed a sword towards Arthur who jumped out the way just in time.

"Kill me Arthur. Kill me,"

"I can't!" He cried in despair.

Merlin caught Arthur's shoulder with a sword, it pierced his skin and blood erupted like a volcano. Arthur shrugged at the painless wound feeling invincible.

"That's not really you, not really Merlin," Arthur whispered to himself.


Merlin staggered back his shoulder seeing in pain, he wanted to scream but the oxygen seemed so precious and he was already gasping for it.

The taunting figures were gone and it was just him all alone clutching his shoulder hopelessly, pain rising through him like hell.

"Arthur," he groaned, his body shaking wildly with the immense overwhelming feeling of pain.

A small boy with young ocean blue eyes holding his excitement to adventure into the world more with in them. He had ebony black hair and pale skin, his mouth wobbled at the sight or Merlin.

"Mordred," Merlin gasped, still struggling with his shoulder.

"Emrys, hello,"

"Kill him. Emrys! Kill him and Arthur shall not die at the Battle that soon is to be!" A voice screamed ringing through the cave.

Mordred closed his large innocent eyes, he tremered at the voice that filled the room, slithering everywhere in sight. He held his breath attempting to wipe the fear from his young face.

"Kill him," the voice repeated over and over again, hissing through the air like poison, "Emrys, Kill the boy!"

"I can't!" Merlin cried in despair, "I just can't. Look at him, he's just a child!"

"The child that is soon to kill Arthur!" The voice announced.

Mordred opened his eyes wide and dissolved into the oxygen so he was alone once more. He didn't know why but Merlin found tears trickling silently down his face, he rubbed at them as the feeling of embarrassment and confusion washed over him.

"Why Emrys?" The voice called sadly, "I thought you were brave, thought you were powerful!"

Merlin laughed, "maybe I am," he said, "but power and bravery isn't killing a little boy it's about doing the right thing even if there is to be consequences!"

"I am to leave you, if you are as powerful as they say you shall find it, and a way out," the voice decided firmly, before quieting down.

Merlin slumped onto the caves damp floor in exhaustion wondering how he was to find the flower and get back up to Gwaine. His whole body was aching from everything he had just seen and he shook violently at the memories still tearing up his mind.

Maybe it was all his fault. Maybe everything was down to him.

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