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"Who do you think enchanted you?" Arthur asked, swinging his legs wildly back and fourth on the bed like a child.

"I don't know, the only person I can think that would want to do this is Morgana," Merlin answered, scratching his muscly arm thoughtfully.

"Why would Morgana want to do anything to you? Your a servant," Arthur wondered,

"I'm uh - your servant so she can get information,"

"Of coarse," Arthur nodded slowly, "do you think it was her then?"

Merlin shook his head sadly, "no, She'd never have got in the castle without killing some guards,"

"True," Arthur admitted grimly, "it could be someone who intended to enchant me and knew I'd be enchanted from you?"

"No, Kings don't check up on their servants,"

"Maybe I should stop then," Arthur laughed, "So who? I mean it's not done much harm so I don't know what their intention was,"

Merlin shrugged, thoughts gathering into a tornado and crashing around his head.

"We don't need to know anyway, I've found a cure!" Gaius chipped in, excitement in his voice flowing cheerfully through the dark room.

"Excellent!" Arthur cried.

"Oh," Gaius' beaming smile was wiped off his face as quick as tears, "You need these rare plants," he stabbed the page he was showing Arthur and Merlin in frustration, indicating to two plants.

"We can get them can't we Merlin?" Arthur suggested, and Merlin nodded, realising he didn't have much of a choice.

"But one is guarded by a magical test and the other is in Cenred's kingdom and there's a legend, it says that once high where the flower is seen a magical beast will be unleashed," Gaius stated solemnly.

"We can go to them both," Arthur informed Merlin, causing Merlin to sigh.

"I'm afraid it looks like we will have to split up if you wish to find the cure before the tournament sire," Gaius replied.

Arthur raised his eyebrows, casting a look of worry to Merlin.

"It's ok sire, I can cope," Merlin confirmed, but Arthur wasn't sure if he felt fully reassured.

"I shall go to Cenred's kingdom," Merlin declared

"No, I shall because you will be recognised as me!" Exclaimed Arthur logically. Gaius nodded in agreement to his words.

"You both must travel in the direction of Cenred's kingdom, when you reach the border line of Camelot, Merlin you must circle around, look for a cave and in it will be some tests you must pass. Sire you must travel into Cenred's land, head forward there will be a river and beyond that mountains, you must climb one," Gaius explained

"Are you sure you can do this Merlin?" Arthur asked

"Of coarse sire!"

"We shall head out at first light tommorow, is that clear?" Arthur decided confidently.

"Yes sire,"

A thought struck Merlin: he was no one without magic and he would never complete the task, he began to doubt himself as soon as he remembered his weak magic.

"Your more than your magic," Gaius told him, "your still amazing with or without your magic. But if you believe hard enough you will be able to control the magic you still have,"

When light began to tangle with the darkness of the night, Merlin awoke nervously, pulling his clothes on as swiftly as possible. Arthur was up too, struggling with his servants limp, dirty clothes which wrapped around him several times before he managed to get them tidily on. Without waking Gaius he escaped his chambers and set off for Merlin who was striding down the corridor trying to walk like Arthur.

"The horses are ready sire," Merlin mumbled through his breath.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Arthur murmerd quietly.

"Yes!" Merlin replied, a speck of exasperation wavering through his voice.

"Good servants are hard to come by!"

"I'm not good," Merlin reminded the King so he nodded and smirked.

Gwaine pressed his ear against his door, distinguishing two male voices outside. They belonged to Merlin and Arthur, which made him frown when the Kings voice said 'sire'.

As the voices became more muffled and distant, Gwaine crept out and began to follow them curiously.

The morning air was cold on their skin as they pulled themselves onto the horses and galloped out of the castle gates. Gwaine grabbed a horse from the stables as quickly as he could and chased after them.

"This potion better work, the enchantment is driving me mad, your body is so annoying!" Arthur whined.

Gwaine over heard him and his eyes widened with shock, the realisation hitting him as hard as the wind.

"Stop," Arthur ordered so Gwaine had to pull his horse still as fast as he could. "I thought I heard something," Arthur muttered, shrugging his shoulders to the sound of silence.

They continued gently down the path, the light from the sun gently illuminating the leaves quivering on the branches. One leaf danced down to the forest floor, which was scattered in brown leaves that died in long forgotten storms. The vast green canopy teeming with life, from bugs to squirrels to peaceful deer. The sky had mostly disappeared, only fractions in-between the lush greenery could be seen, all scattered around like an impossible jigsaw. The strong fragrant of damp green leaves mixed with the earthy smell of the still wet ground polluting the clean oxygen with it's heavy yet dreamy scent.

By night the forest darkened and only the natural smell of damp soil and leaves had stayed with them. Smoke fumes wound around each other, the colours of a sunset shown in the warm dancing flames of a controlled fire started by Merlin hours ago. It was dying out now, the sparks that had been feistily spat out in anger now dropped limply to the ground. Arthur's head fell forward uncomfortably onto his neck, he was awkwardly propped up against an old tree, its roots struggling out of the dark ground. Merlin found himself woken easily by the sounds of any nature, even the mild rustling of the restless leaves sent his eyes flicking nervously open.

Merlin viewed Arthur, his face covered in the trees shadow so his features were disguised in the darkness. He didn't like seeing Arthur in his own body, he was becoming uneasy and agitated seeing his own face and never Arthur's.

His eyes closed, ending his tranquil gaze at Arthur. The forest sounds finally blocked out from his head, Merlin found himself falling into a deep, much needed sleep.

Gwaine settled down a bit further away, he didn't want the King and Merlin to see him yet, he wanted to check what they were doing, they could have been enchanted, they could be Morgana's work!

The moon fell heavily in the centre of the sky, starring on the vast and dark stage, it soaked the land in a sparkling white but the trees blocked it away from the forest so Gwaine was fully eaten by the nights wide mouth.

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