Ch. 8: Love Is War

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Shailene POV:
We are at the Unscripted Studio, Theo, Miles and I are doing a interview. The cameras haven't started yet.
"Miles, what's your favorite color?" I ask him smiling.
"Divergent." He says smiling. 
"We start in three, two, one." 
"Hello, I'm Shailene Woodley and this is Miles Teller, and Theo James. And we're hear to talk about Divergent. We'll answer some questions that you sent in and some are unscripted. So we'll make them up." I say.
"Ah, from Swati H. on Facebook, Which fears would you undergo in your fearlandscape?" Theo asks. 
"Well I hope I will never have to undergo a fear landscape because that is terrifying. I know Indian Jones had a fear of snakes and he had to wake over a pit of snakes. So that would be frightening." Miles Says. "Now from Peyton F. on Facebook, What would you describe your style according to the Factions? Brave, Peaceful, Selfless, Honest, or Smart? I think that is for you Shailene." 
"Aww man. That's a tough one. I feel like you guys should answer that for me." I say.
"Uh...Is beautiful a faction?" Miles says. 
"Aww ding ding ding! Winner." I say. 
We laugh.
"Well, uh.. You are very brave and peaceful."
"And pretty Selfless." Theo says. 
"Maybe I would just be Divergent?" I ask. 
Theo nods.
"Yea, you would probably be Divergent." Miles says. 
"Now we have a video question from Veronica Roth." I say. 
"Hi. Shailene and Theo, I have a question for you. What are Tris and Four's best characteristics?" She asks us.
We all start laughing.
"I'm also hear Veronica." Miles says. 
"Tris's would be selfless because he strives to be brave." Theo says. "And she's a total babe." 
"Yes, she is." Miles says.
"Guys just keep it coming." I say and we laugh. "But Four's best characteristics are wolf like. He's very strong and masuline but also sensitive and vulnerable. And his back is beautiful." 
"He has a really nice tramp stamp." Mile says.
We laugh.
"Does that go all the way down? Yes." Miles says and we laugh again. 
"Exactly. Where does it end? It doesn't." Theo says and we laugh harder. Then we compose ourseleves.
"Alright, What song do you wildly dance and sing to when no one is looking, from Vicki, Brooklyn, NY." Theo asks.
"It's definitely the theme song from flashdance>" I say.
We laugh. 
"Kayla in San Diego. What is a random secret that a co-star to your left has?" I ask Theo. "That's me." 
He thinks about it them smiles at me.
"That you can share." I say smiling. 
"Oh yeah, you can do wilderness thing catch chickens." He says.
"Yes, because forests are just crawling with chickens." I say.
We laugh.
"What do you like about the character Peter." Theo asks me.
"Well for one thing, these pecks are like out of control." I say.
"Developing." Miles says and we laugh. 
"What would you do to Peter if you were drunk and it's late and things are crazy?" Theo asks me again.
"What would I do to him?" I ask and look at Miles. "Am I aloud to answer that question?" They laugh.
Then we stop. Mile and I look at each other intently then we begin start laughing again.
"Uh...Are you still excercising ever since we finished filming?" Miles asks Theo. 
"Uh...I still excercise but not that much." Theo replies.
"But you are still buff." I say feeling his muscles. I put my hands on both of their muscles. "Look at these to men sitting next to me with these banging arms." I say.
"Suzie in New Haven, CT.  In Divergent, Tris gets threes ravens to represent each member of her family she left, if you were to get a tattoo in real life what would it be and why?" Theo asks. 
"I think I would get a tattoo of each your faces. Maybe like on my thighs." I say. 
"What about your buttcheeks?" Miles says and I laugh. 
"Uh..yea, That could work. But I would want to be able to share it with everyone." I say.
"If they were actual size. I would take up a lot of space. Because my head is pretty big." Miles says. "Would you ever get a tattoo?"
"Yea." I say. " But I don't want to tell why."
"Alright bad question. We are not gonna reveal why." Miles says and we laugh. "Alright Shailene and Theo. Thank you, Movie film for having us." 
"Good night." Theo and I say.
Then cameras go off. 
Theo walks away and Miles has to go. I run after Theo.
"Theo, what's wrong?" I ask him.
"Why don't you go ask Miles? He has brilliant pecks and you would sleep with him." Theo says.
"Theo. I was kidding and you know that." I say.
"I know but it still hurts."
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay. It's nice to know that I make you jealous a little." 
"You mean a lot."
"Big time." I say and laugh. "Come on." 

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