Ch. 6: Hurtful Words

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Shailene POV:

I wake up the next morning with a bad headache. I hear banging on the door. I try to ignore it. But it doesn't go away. I grab my silk but robe and put it on and walk to the door. I open it.
"Shai. I brought you painkillers." Zoe says.
"Thanks Zoe. How'd you know?" I ask her.
"I saw you last night."
"Oh. Anyways come in."
I walk in the kitchen and grab a bottle of water. I pop to pills in my mouth and take a chug of water.
I walk back into the living room and sit next to Zoe.
"Honestly. I am just tired of it all. I am tired of feeling sorry for myself."
"Well, we have to get to the set. Today is the jump off the train scene and jump off the roof scene."
"Go get dressed!"
After that uneventful day, I walk off the set. I bump into a a tall, blonde, pretty lady.
"My apologies." She says.
"No my fault." I say.
"Your Shailene Woodley, right?"
"I'm Ruth Kearney. Pleasure to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too. Can you help me find Theo?"
"As in Theo James, my boyfriend."
I let these words process through my brain.
"Go down the hall, third door to your left." I say.
"Thank you."
I nod and rush away.
Shailene, your such a fool. How could you let him lie to you?
I am on my bacony. I take my hair out of a pony tail and let the wind blow through it. I watch over the city as tears fall from my eyes.
It's Theo.
I don't answer.
He turns me around. I look into his eyes.
"Everything you said, they were lies." I say.
"Shailene, I would never lie to you."
"Theo, you have a girlfriend."
"We broke up two years ago."
I don't say anything for a moment.
"You were angry with me." I say.
"No I wasn't. I was hurt. But then I found out about Derrick and I understood. I understand. I understand, you don't want to have your heart broken. And those words that you told me yesterday, told me I really hurt you. I'm sorry."
The window blows harder and I stumble a little. Theo puts his hands on my waist to keep me steady.
"Shailene. I like you. No, I love you. And I can't hide these feelings forever." He says.
"Theo...I'm at sixes and sevens. I'm sorry."
"It's okay." He says.
I smile at him and kiss his cheek. But much closer to his lips.
He smiles at me and walks out.

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