Ch. 21: Almost

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Shailene POV:

Theo has been acting really weird for the past couple days. He has been avoiding me. I thought we had things patched up already. I quickly pack up my things and get ready to go back to my house. Today is like the final photoshoot and I'm really happy and sad.

I'm happy because it's done and I can't wait for fans to see it and I'm really sad because it was really fun shooting the movie and because I'll be seeing less of Theo now.

I sit in the lobby waiting for the car to pick me up and take me to my house.

A few fans came up to me for autographs (Which I happily gave to them) I looked on instagram on my phone and then when I looked up, I saw a figure standing in front of me.

I kept looking and they had a photo of me with a sharpie in their hand.

I just looked at his hands and my picture.

"Could you sign this for me?" I heard a familiar but then again not familiar voice.

"Uh.. Sure!" I say.

"To who?" I ask.

"Make it to..... Theo James." I look up.

"Oh Theo!" He started laughing and I guess I started laughing too. We talked for a bit when I saw the car that was going to pick me up.

"Bye Theo!"

"Bye Shai!"


Theo POV:

This close! This close to ask her out! Ugh! Stupid Stupid Car! I see Ansel and I go towards him.

"Hey man!"

"Hey." He answered back.

"So did you ask Shai yet?"

"Yeah no."

"Oh. WOW! You said you would and now look at you! A good plan gone to waste!"

"Oh shut up Ansel! The plan didn't even happen yet!"

"Yeah yeah whatever."

"I'll just ask her when she goes for a morning jog. She lives right down the street from me."

"Hm. Send me photos."

"From the date?"

"No, Shai in a sports bra."

"No! If you--"

"Calm down. I'm kidding."


Ansel starts laughing and I shove him into the wall.

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