Ch. 11: Spark Is Gone.

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Theo POV:

I wait until I know she’s asleep. I put her head gently on the couch and go back to my room. I hate to leave her but I have to. I have to talk to Ansel about the plan. I go over in my head what happened that day.


“Well all I can say is I have a plan.” Ansel told me.

There was silence.

“Well, if you have a plan, would you like to share it with me?” I ask.

“Oh right! I just thought it would be like in the movies where you know the plan even before I explain it!” He says smiling.

“No Ansel! For the last time, this is not a movie!” I say sighing.

“Well someone is in a bad mood.”

“Well, are you going to explain the plan? Or sit there looking like an idiot?"

“How rude!”

I laugh.

“Ok so here it is.You will try to make Shai jealous by dating another girl!”

“But…. wouldn’t she find another guy to make me jealous?”

“Oh… well I haven’t thought about it that much”

“Ok new plan. The next time you hang out with her, talk about how wonderful and handsome I am and you know, good stuff about me.”

“Dude that make me sound like I like you!” He whines.

“Oh quit your whining! Can you think of anything else?”

“No, but we can talk about this later! I have to go.”

“Okay bye!”

“Bye!!!” He screams running down the hallway.

Flashback Ends

I sigh. Gotta love that guy though. I make my way through my room in the dark. I try to find fresh clothes but I can’t.

“Have you thought about turning on the light?” I hear a familiar voice say.


“Hey babe! Haven’t seen you in a while! How have you been?”

“Ruth get the hell out!” I yell

“Not until I do this!” She said coming towards me. All of a sudden, she kisses me! I don’t kiss back but I don’t pull away either. When she pulls away I see Shai at the door with tears streaming down her face (again).

“I thought… I thought w-we had a sp-spark Theo.” She said through tears.

“We do Shai! This is not what it looks like!”

“Well to me it certainly does!” She said yelling. Then she goes to her room and slams the door. I hear the click of the lock and I know it will take a long while to get her back. Even as a friend.

“Ruth get the hell out!”


“Now!” I scream. I push her out before she can say anything and I lock the door in case someone tries to come in. I cry my heart out. I ruined my chances with Shai. She said we had a spark.

We had something. A spark that could turn into a fire soon. But that spark is long gone. Ruth was the water that put it out before it could become a fire. I just sit by the door silently crying while I hear sobs from the other side.

Shai. My beautiful Shai. What did I just do?

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