Chapter Twelve

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Christopher run full speed towards Lily. He was about to give her a royal smack down when at the last minute with a dance like movement she evaded his attack. He lost his footing and almost landed on his ass.

"Almost had you on your arse Christopher, better be more careful now," she teased him.

It looked like she wanted to ridicule him, to make him look stupid and useless in the eyes of the other cloudsoldiers. If she managed to do that, what would she gain, he wondered. A flash of recognition passed through him. She was deliberately trying to get on his nerves. She wanted him to be so upset so that she would win this fight easily. He was not going down like that. Oh no he would prove to her and everyone else that he had what it took to be a great cloudsoldier.

"Almost is not getting it done sweetie," he sniped back. "Let me show you how you get the job done, now pay attention darling."

He knew he sounded arrogant but it helped him land a kick that brought her down to her knees. She quickly recovered and within minutes was the winner of their match.

He was sitting in a corner of his prison cell eating the olives, cheese and bread the guards had pushed his way. He had taken a serious beating from Lily, he was proud though. He had managed to land as many blows on Lily as she had landed on him. More or less, it was an even fight, though he really needed to work on his stamina since he got tired much faster than she had.

He was reviewing all the movements of their fight in his head. Every time he thought he was about to win, she surprised him with a move that brought him down.

He thought he had her when he back flipped and landed to her side, he had then proceeded to immobilize her. Lily had used her foot as an obstacle and her body weight to trip them both over. After that, she had elbowed him and walked out of the cell like a champ.

As he was sitting on the floor, he heard the soft sound of a click, a shadow passed through the cracks of the walls and a surge of energy through his body. He could feel every nerve in his body, he could feel the rate at which his blood pumped through his veins, he could feel the dust particles in the air that surrounded him. He begun to focus on his breathing.

Maister had warned him that this might happen. "At a time when you feel the energy as if pumping through your body and you are aware of even the smallest movement in the particles around you, you need to focus. Energy must not overtake you. Energy must not control you. You must control the energy."

His eyes focused on the door. Could Lily be back so soon for a rematch? He stared at the door as if he could see through it to the other side. He used his senses to feel the guards outside, all he could pick up was two slow heart beats as if they were sleeping. He got up to his feet and silently walked to the door only to find that it was unlocked.

He stepped out of his cell to find the guards on the floor sleeping. He looked up and down the corridor nobody was around. He flew to his escape as fast his could. He took a path to his right, that's where he had heard the guard with the food coming from earlier, he flapped his way to a dead end. He turned and went back the way he came. He then decided to try the second path on the right, he was certain the guard had come through this way, another path leading nowhere.

The place was a maze. After trying four different paths Christopher still found himself right where he started. "Good thing you are still sleeping," he whispered to the cloudsoldiers outside his prison cell.

He was probably running out of time, somebody was bound to come soon and notice he was not in his cell. It was time to get serious, he had four more options remaining and only one would lead him to his comrades. "Focus Christopher," he muttered to himself. His powers wouldn't work down here. His senses were picking up the wrong paths, obviously, since he was still trying to find his way out.

He noticed a red shadow just ahead of him taking one the paths he had not tried yet. Again he felt a strange surge of energy crackle through his bones, he took a step closer to the shadow trying to see clearly what it was, and then he felt the energy levels rise. The crimson shadow was quick to evade him and hide through the walls as if it was scared of him.

"Who was that?" He asked rhetorically and without thinking he picked a path hoping it would lead him out of this maze like prison.


I really hope you like the chapter.

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