Chapter Twenty Five

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Muffled sounds broke through the darkness of the trunk. Christopher focused on his breathing, so his mind could escape the closed confines of the make shift prison he was shoved in. He couldn't use his magic to escape, it would make his presence known. He pulled his wrists apart forcefully; the rope tightened its hold digging deeper into his flesh. Brute force wasn't going to cut it. He needed a plan and he had none. Minutes turned into hours and Christopher was still stuck in the trunk.

Cluttering sounds assaulted his senses - the merchant was back and he was not alone.

"Take it to the ship," a rough voiced man ordered.

Christopher growled in protest as he bumped his head on the lid when it was awkwardly being lift from the ground. After being joggled about, for what seemed like forever to Christopher, his mobile prison was set on stable ground once more.

"Open it," the same rough voice ordered.

The sudden exposure to light had Christopher squinting his eyes trying to adjust to the change. It took him a good minute to be able to see anything but mere shadows. The merchant was infront of the trunk and a man holding a whip a few steps away with his eagle eyes trained on Christopher.

Across the merchant, two female soldiers were framing a much shorter version of Kila on either side.

"This is what you want to show me?" The man coolly asked.

"My King, there's value in him," the merchant said and dropped to his knees. "Let me show you."

"He doesn't look like much." The King stated.

Christopher scanned the King discreetly from underneath his eyelids. He had painted a different picture in his head of what King Evelthon physical appearance would be. The King's energy filled the room, you could feel the power literally oozing out of his skin. His skin, it was transparent just like Kila's was.

This couldn't be King Evelthon, this should be Kila's King, Chistopher thought.

"King Koti, a minute of your time, that's all I ask. If he is not to your satisfaction, I am willing to pay the price." Kila pleaded holding his head bowed down.

"Fine, show me." King Koti said as he turned on his heels and placed himself behind a grandiose wooden desk.

Christopher watched in silence as the merchant got up and approached him. Kila held the sword in his hand.

"Get up," he ordered Christopher.

A few nasty words found their way to his throat, but Christopher uttered none. His feet and wrists were bound. He stared back at the merchant.

"Get him up," Kila huffed at his goons standing by the trunk.

Christopher was dragged to an upright position. As soon as the goons released him he tipped over to the left.

"Untie the man's legs so he can stand." The King ordered.

Kila rushed to Christopher at the King's command. "If you even breathe the wrong way, I swear to everything that is dear to me. I.Will.Kill.You." The merchant hissed at him. Without waiting for confirmation Kila grabbed Christopher by the neck and placed him on his feet.

"I don't have all day," the King warned.

"Yes, my King." Kila voiced respectfully. He held the sword ceremoniously in both hands and placed it over Christopher's stomach. Nothing. He placed it on Christopher's exposed flesh of his biceps. Nothing.

"Perhaps it will work if I hold it?" Christopher smirked at the merchant.

"Nice try young one," Kila spat at him.

"Well Kila, it looks like you have nothing to show your King." King Koti said. "Kaleen, prepare him for punishment and take the other one to the slave dungeon."

The merchant became flustered and his face started taking a weird green color.

"My King, I-I beg you. He is of value. Look," he said and forced the sword in Christopher's hands.

The sword came alive, the red rubies shone brightly momentarily blinding the party in the room. The raw power transfer triggered a switch within him. This was his chance to escape.

A flick of his wrist was all it took for the rope to be broken.

The goons pounced at him, he crouched to the ground. He extended his left leg and right fist hitting them both simultaneously. They flew through the wooden walls on either side of the room. He held on to the sword firmly and without wasting a second he scanned the room for the eagle eyed man. He was certain the female soldiers would stay put behind the desk to protect their King.

He spotted him. Daggers on the ready on either side, legs placed firmly in a battle stance waiting for Christopher to make his next move.

Muscles tensed, he slowly took a step to the right; his eyes locked on his opponent.  The man mirrored his movement. Another step to the right as he placed the sword diagonally in front of his torso.

The man lunged at him landing a blow to his left shoulder. Christopher squat down and delivered a kick behind eagle eyes knees which caused him to buckle to the ground. He climbed on top of him and landed two consecutive punches to his ribs. The Kalous man wrapped his legs around Christopher's waist and twisted the pair around so now he was on top.

Christopher could feel the sting of the man's punched landing all over his torso. He eyed the sword laying on the ground a meter away from them. With a low howl of triumph the man reached for his daggers. As the dagger was about to be dug into his heart, Christopher managed to grab the sword and deliver an ending wound to the man's neck. Firmly he pushed the dying man off him and dashed through the broken wall to his escape. Christopher stood on the edge of the deck.

He was on a ship with no water around.

The shuffling of feet was getting closer. He looked around once more.

"There's only one way out of here," he mumbled to himself as he placed the sword inside his belt and jumped to his freedom.

He dove head first to the unknown, the air whizzing in his ears, hoping that it would lead him back to familiar ground. He spread his wings slowly to decelerate his descent. The minute he was back on Cloud Kingdom grounds he fell to his knees.

"Noooooo," he shouted his heart out and started crying. That was how Melinda found him.

"Calm down Christopher, it's ok. We found you. Let's get you home," she said gently.

"I killed a man," he whispered.

"What?" Melinda said.

"I k-killed a m-man," he said again with his voice breaking.

Hey Y'all,

Another chapter down. Hope you enjoy it.

I can't wait to hear what you think.

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