Chapter Twenty One

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Queen Stella was way too long in the bathtub, the once steaming hot water had now turned lukewarm. Long baths usually calmed her down when she was having a difficult day. Not this time though, she got out of the tub more tensed than when she got in. Jasmin, her attaché and best friend, rushed over to her holding a towel in her hands.

"How many times do I have to tell you that when we are alone you do not have to wait on me," she snapped.

"Calm down Stella. I know you are nervous about the ball tonight but you shouldn't be. The Kalous people are only here to meet with the King and you only have to be pleasant with them. There will be so many spectacles at the ball for them to enjoy and you will not be one of them."

"It's not the ball I'm worried about Jasmin," Stella said with sigh.

"Then what is it that has you so riled up," Jasmin asked.

Queen Stella slouched her shoulders as she sat across her dressing table. "IT has me worried," she whispered.

A gasp escaped from Jasmin's throat. "IT, as in the IT?" She pressed.

"Yes," she replied dryly.

"Would you like to talk about it?" Jasmin said gently.

"No, not yet." Stella knew that Jasmin could be trusted and that she would also not push her for more explanations until she was good and ready to tell her.

Jasmin helped her Queen pick out a beautiful, rose gold, silk gown with gold butterflies popping all over the skirt of the dress. When the final touch to her hair were done, Stella put on her long sleeved gloves as she walked to the adjoining door of her chambers and knocked. Her gloves were a must for her, it was imperative that she always wore them. Stella could not touch the skin of another cloudperson and not get visions; her visions drained her physically and mentally. If she was to lead an uneventful day within Castle Gold then she had to make sure she didn't touch anyone's skin directly.

"Enter," a muffled voice was heard behind the door. She walked in to Evelthon's chambers. He looked absolutely gorgeous in his black tuxedo.

"Ready to welcome our guests?" He asked rhetorically and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Yes husband, I am ready."

Evelthon took her gloved hand in his. He guided her out of the room and through the grand corridors in front of the entrance of the grant hall. They stood there waiting to be announced to the hall of expectant guests and subjects.

The grand hall was a feast for the eyes. Beautiful bouquets made from different colour chrysanthemums blended with candles decorated all tables, candles and flowers were dropping down from the ceiling as if they were stars in the summer sky. The atmosphere was majestic. Very carefully she dissented the grant staircase holding up her rose gold ball gown with one hand while with her other hand she had a firm hold on her husband's forearm.

They proceeded to move to their table at the head of the hall where they were greeted by the Kalous people ambassadors.

"Your Royal Highness, I am very pleased to make your acquaintance. My name is Koti and I am the representative of the Kalous people. I speak on behalf of my King when I say that we are very eager to enter into this mutually beneficial alliance for our people and yours."

"Pleased to meet you Koti. Let me introduce you to my wife, Queen Stella," King Evelthon said as he gestured to his wife.

"Pleased to meet you Mr. Koti," Queen Stella offered. She did not trust this man, there was something off about him.

"The pleasure is all mine, my Queen," Koti said as he took a bow, "King Evelthon with the risk of repeating myself let me just say how anxious we are to start mining for philo in your Kingdom."

"Mining for phyllo?" Stella asked alarmed.

"Hush my Queen , I will explain later", King Evelthon whispered in her ear.

What was Evelthon thinking. Letting these people mine their ores. It would disrupt our natural habitat. It would unbalance the forces of the Kingdom.

"Have you lost your mind?" She asked him with fireballs shooting out of her eyeballs.



Finally finished a chapter, slightly shorter than what I usually upload.

Hope you like it.

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