Chapter Seventeen

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Firestorm was about to begin, Christopher glanced outside through the diamond windows as he silently waited for an explanation. He turned his gaze away from the window towards the three people looking at him.

Maister walked around him and a gasp escaped as soon as he laid eyes upon his wings. When Maister was examining him earlier by the almond tree Christopher was laying on his back and his wings had not been visible.

Zanti motioned hurriedly to Joas and the Queen to come and see for themselves. Christopher started to feel like a spectacle at a museum or an art gallery with three sets of eyes and whispers behind his back.

"Do you know why this happened?" Christopher said gesturing at his now crimson red wings.


"It seems like IT has claimed you," Maister offered hesitantly.

"Claimed me?" Christopher persisted.


"IT?" The word barely audible as it left his mouth.

"We will explain everything in time," the Queen said.

Christopher could feel the blood bubbling through his veins but he needed to remain calm at the presence of Queen Iris. He did not want to say or do something that would disrespect her; she was the Queen after all.

"Is that even possible? Are you sure that IT has claimed him?" She enquired Maister.

"Yes, I read about this in the Feather book during my studies," he replied. "However in the book it is mentioned that not everyone that IT has claimed survived the process, and that is why IT has stopped claiming the One's in the last four centuries. IT must feel that there is extraordinary danger to proceed to such action."

"Maister," Joas spoke up, "do you realize what you are saying?"

"Yes," Zanti said solemnly, "IT would never be so reckless in its actions, IT knows what the consequences were if the claim on Christopher did not work."

"What is IT?" Christopher's booming voice was bouncing off of the chamber's walls. Everyone in the room froze from the sheer force of his voice. Christopher himself was stunned by the might in his voice.

"Answer my questions, please, and I will calm down." Christopher snapped.

"Follow me," Iris said and exited the room not giving him a chance to refuse her command.

Christopher was walking quietly behind Iris. As they reached the solstice room Iris walked swiftly towards the throne and gestured to him to sit down on a black velvet armchair located to her right. It was the first time Christopher had entered this room. It was magnificent to say the least. The room was large and squared shaped, with an awe-inspiring aura radiating to those who stepped inside.

The back wall had built in huge arched diamond windows that covered its entire length. Strategically placed in front of the middle of that wall was a formidable, black marble throne shimmering as it was hit by the rays from the sun and the moons that penetrated through the arches.

On the parallel walls there were gold carvings decorated the grey marble that covered them. In the middle of the room, there was a small dome that allowed sunlight to reach what appeared to be a sun clock. Christopher slowly made his way and took his place in the armchair that Iris had directed him.

"That will be your place from now on," she informed him. Christopher raised his eyebrow quizzically at her.

"You are the One, you have been claimed by IT, your place is rightfully in this room next to me."

Christopher was lost for words. What did the Queen mean when she said his place was next to her? What was he supposed to be, what was he supposed to do.

"Christopher, you are unique and very powerful. Now that IT has claimed you, recklessly if I may say so myself, and you have survived the process; your connection to the elements, your magical power, your physical strength will increase even more." Iris said while locking her eyes with his to make sure that he understood the gravity of the situation.

"You have a great burden to carry. You need to be able to withstand the temptations that come with such great power. That is why there was a law passed two centuries ago that whoever holds the power of the One may never be the ruler of the Kingdom."

"I have never thought I am fit to rule the Kingdom and do not have any aspirations for the position," he cut her off.

"Nonetheless, I am obliged to inform you. Now I'm sure you have questions..." She urged him.

"That I do," he confirmed. "First of all what is IT? You have all been talking about IT but you all have made sure not to say what IT is exactly." The Queen stood up from her throne and walked towards the solar clock in the middle of the room. Her hand gently caressing the engraved hieroglyphics on the surface of the stone.

"IT is the heart of not only Silyn Castle but also the heart of the entire Cloud Kingdom," she paused for a second her head facing the small dome above the solar clock, "IT has no form or shape. IT can take any form it wishes. IT has a colour, crimson red just like your wings. IT used to move freely throughout the Kingdom, but for the past two centuries since the schism of Cloud Kingdom ITs movements are restricted to the castle and the surrounding grounds. IT has claimed you and thus transferring part of ITs powers to you; you need to prove to IT that you can handle them. If IT feels you are abusing them or not following ITs intended purpose for giving you these powers, IT will destroy you. Your soul will cease to exist."

"What does IT want from me?" Christopher asked.

"IT will show you." Iris replied.


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