Chapter Sixteen

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King Evelthon had listened carefully to Annalise's description of her findings while on the spy mission. It appeared that Silyn Castle were getting ready for the winter solstice; that was to be expected. The most disturbing news however were that even though their collective strength should stay the same or decrease at this time of the year - their magic power appeared to be increasing. Only an increase in energy would explain the vibrant vegetation on the outskirts around the castle grounds. 

He looked at his hands contemplating what his next move should be. He knew Queen Iris was up to something. He needed to go and see this evidence by himself to be able to assess the situation. It was not that he did not trust Annalise, she was after all the best spy in Castle Gold, and the Cloud Kingdom for that matter. The issue here was to observe with his own eyes this change in vegetation to understand why this was happening.

"We will go tonight and you will show me," he informed Annalise. He turned to Atticus, his second in command "Prepare the Queen she is coming with us," he ordered.

"Is it wise for both of you to be out of the palace at the same time?" Atticus asked with his head lowered towards the King in a show of respect to prevent any misinterpretation of his words.

"Are you saying you are not able to ensure your King and Queen's safety outside the palace?" King Evelthon countered.

"No, my King. I am not saying that. I am certain your safety is more than guaranteed. However it could be wise to be cautious especially after receiving this disturbing information from the espionage team. Nonetheless if your Highness wishes to visit the site together with the Queen it will be arranged immediately." Atticus said in a matter-of-fact voice.

"It's settled then. Go tell the Queen to be ready in thirty minutes," King ordered.

Annalise guided them through to the grounds outside Silyn. The King walked as close to the trees he could while making sure not to touch any of the vegetation. The mere touch on any of the leaves or on a branch would alert IT of their presence.  

He inspected everything but he could not see something that was out of the ordinary to confirm Annalise's report. He could see that Annalise was getting restless; she was shifting her weight from one leg to the other.

The King closed his eyes and inspected his surroundings with his mind. As he begun to move closer to Silyn Castle the faint taste of citrus mixed with caramel hit his mouth harder and harder.

The citrus taste overpowering the caramel. Citrus was the signature of Maister's magic. It was obvious now that Maister Zanti was trying to mask the power of IT, but why?

"Stella," he ordered, "Can you see anything?"

"Yes my King but it is very faint. Maybe if you give me some time to concentrate," she said with a pleading tone in her voice. He nodded with impatience reflected clearly on his face.

The Queen knew that she had to give the King some information, yet she didn't want to give him too much information that he could use against Silyn and IT. She knew the vital role IT had in the Cloud Kingdom. She had seen in her visions what Evelthon planned to do once he captured IT; and it was not pretty. The mere thought of those visions made her cringe in disgust. Nonetheless, she took her time and submerged in her vision.

...She was in the forest outside Silyn. It was dark. The trees had no leaves and their trunks were shriveled. Gloom floated around the atmosphere. The ache of the destruction surrounding her tagged at her soul. A mere shadow of what was IT right in front of her eyes. A gust of wind whipped the skirt of her dress around her legs so tight as if it was her second skin. She reached out her arms trying to hang on to a nearby branch that snapped under the pressure she was exerting. Stella was picked up in the current as if she was a mere spec of dust and carried along.

She was gently deposited on the ground in the same forest, next to the same tree; still everything was different. The trees were flourishing, the tree trunks were sturdy, the sickly smell no longer lingered in the atmosphere. A blurry image of a cloudperson appeared in the distance. She could see IT making contact with the man. Happiness overwhelmed her senses. IT was transferring his emotions through her, showing her that the blurry image of a man brought prosperity in what was a stagnant existence the last century...

She wobbled out of her trance and held on to Atticus to steady herself.

"So?" The King enquired with a raised eyebrow.

"I saw nothing that should worry you my King," she said firmly.

"What did you see exactly?" He snapped.

"The forest, the trees more vibrant than usual for this time of year granted but nothing more than that," she offered gently.

"Are you sure?" He insisted.

"Very," Stella said plainly.

"Alright then, we saw what we came here for," Evelthon said in a flat voice and turned on his heels and headed back for Castle Gold not waiting for his guards to follow. If Stella was right then the increase in power he felt would be of no consequence in his plans.

His Queen was never wrong in her visions.



Switched to Castle Gold POV

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