Chapter Twenty Four

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Christopher slowly maneuvered his way through the crowded streets of what appeared to be the marketplace. The makeshift benches were filled with colorful wares unique to each stall. Precious stones, gold, cloth, fruits, freshly baked bread - you name it they sold it.

His feet stopped moving in front of a bench filled with shiny swords. One in particular caught his eye. It was longer than the ones he had seen in Silyn. Its silver blade was sleek and smooth. The hilt was decorated with two red rubies, as if it had eyes, and the grip continued on taking the shape of a dragon tail.

He reached out to touch it. "You want to try its feel?"

Christopher jumped back startled. He looked at the man. His appearance was different from the cloudpeople in Silyn, and all the cloudpeople he passed through the market of Castle Gold, up until now. The man was a good two heads shorter than him, with much lighter skin; almost transparent, you could see faint streaks of blue veins running along his uncovered arms and legs. His deep green orbs shone brightly matching his pearly white teeth exposed in the huge grin that was directed towards Christopher. He was well built for his frame.

"So, you want to try out the sword?" The green eyed man repeated.

"Um, no. Maybe next time." Christopher said and tried to move along.

"Well that's a shame. It's gonna be a long time before I come back to this Kingdom." The man said trying to lure him back to his bench.

"You are not from around here?" Christopher questioned.

"Looking like this?" The man chuckled pointing at himself. "That would be something wouldn't it?"

Christopher stared at the man in silence not knowing what to do or say. The man was not from the Cloud Kingdom, that meant that he was from another cloud island. Was he from the ones he could see when he gazed through the clouds or perhaps one that was not visible to his naked eyes. How did he travel from his Kingdom to this one, the man appeared to have no wings.

"You are a new soul aren't you?" The green eyed merchant asked rhetorically as he stepped closer to Christopher.

Christopher looked around to make sure nobody was paying attention to them. "Yes." He whispered to the merchant.

"Don't worry young one. I didn't get offended." He said smiling widely at Christopher.

"Where are you from?"

"I, young soul, am Kila and I hail from the Kalous Kingdom. That would be the third rock on the left." He said and gestured at the sky.

Christopher turned to look at where the merchant was pointing.

"That's a long way to travel, how did you get here?" Christopher asked.

"On my ship," he replied nonchalantly. "I have more swords and knifes if you would like to come and see. There might be something that you fancy more than this sword," Kila said and pushed the sword in Christopher's hand.

An earth shuttering roar roamed through Christopher's inner core as he placed both hands on the hilt. The rubies lit up and he dropped the sword on the ground as if he had been burned.

Kila grabbed the sword and Christopher and forcefully shoved both of them inside the bench away from prying eyes. Christopher lost his balance and fell to the ground. He turned around only to see Kila had the sword pointed to his neck.

"Who are you?" Kila hissed.

Christopher didn't answer, he simply stared at the merchant trying to figure out what his next move would be. He had to be discreet not to reveal his presence in Castle Gold.

"Answer me boy, who are you?" Kila lowly growled.

"If I answer will you let me go and be on my way without causing a fracas?" Christopher countered.

"Depends," Kila said.

"Depends on what?" Christopher said looking at his straight in the eyes.

"Depends on who you are and how much you are worth," Kila replied.

"I am a young soul Kila, how could I possibly bring you money?" Christopher said.

"Ah, with the right soul in his hands one can gain so much in this realm. You are a clueless one, aren't you?" Kila said with a smirk on his lips.

"I am a nobody Kila. If I was worth something don't you think I would be able to fight you? Instead I am laying on the ground at your mercy." Christopher argued.

Kila scanned him from top to bottom as if assessing the honesty of his words. "You have a point young one, but the sword never lies."

"The sword?" Christopher asked him confused.

"Aye, the sword. It recognized you. You must have some value," Kila said.

"The sword was too heavy for me..." Christopher started saying but the merchant cut him off. "Be quiet. I am trying to think what to make of you."

Kila was pacing back and forth in the confined area behind the bench. Christopher could make a run for it seeing how preoccupied the merchant was in his thoughts, but he was curious about the sword. His fingers were tingling with the ache to touch it once again.

"Your name," Kila ordered pointing the sword back at his neck.

"Christopher," he offered.

"When did you get to the realm?" He persisted.

"How do you count time here? Night never falls," Christopher replied.

"You think you are clever, don't you?" The merchant spat at him as he reached for something at the bottom of the bench. With a loud rattle he dragged out an iron made rope.

"On your back. Now turn." Kila ordered. Christopher complied with the merchant's demands.

"My, my, my, what do we have here? No wonder the sword recognized you." Kila said smugly as he tied the rope tightly around Christopher wrists. "Get up." He barked.

"I can't," Christopher hissed.

"Well then, let me help you with that," Kila said as he draged him up and shoved him in an open trunk.

"I wonder if King Evelthon knows you are here?" Those were the last words Christopher heard as the trunk closed with a loud bang.

Hi dearies,

Soooo what did you think? What did Christopher get himself into?  Will Kila sell him?

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