Chapter Eighteen

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Christopher was wondering through the pathways of Silyn Castle trying to process all this new information that has been thrown at him the last hour. He wanted to be on his own, he didn't want to be around others not even his friends.

His legs moved as if they had a mind of their own and they took him through passageways he had never explored outside the Castle walls. He was told not to leave the walls of Silyn by Maister during their daily lessons and he had been following the rules up until a minute ago.

"Rules were made to be broken anyway," he said to himself with a slight shrug of his shoulders.

He flew around the trees, underneath the heavy canopy, going in loops through the branches until he lost track of time. He tried his strengthened wings to their limit; there were no limits. He didn't get tired, his energy was at full force. His connection to the elements was heightened as well. He used the water element to form a small river from the moisture particles in the air to quench his thirst. He used the dust particles to form a small dirt chair which collapsed under his weight. He sat at the root of a cherry tree looking at the sky. He had released some of the tension that had built up inside him the past hours.

"Mum, Dad if only I could talk to you guys..." He said as if they would hear him and magically appear by his side. Well why not, he thought. Everyone said that his powers increased after IT claimed him. The notion of communicating with his family back on earth kept swirling in his mind. How would he be able to use this magic to communicate with earth? Maybe Leo and Elijah would know.

Christopher zipped through the forest and into Silyn Castle to seek out his friends. It did not take a lot of searching about to find them, they were in Leo's quarters. The ghastly loud noises coming from the room betrayed them, both of them were sleeping and snoring; from exhaustion no doubt. Leo was lying on top of the bed covers. Elijah was taking a nap in a chair his head resting on the table next to him; which looked like a very awkward position, he would wake up with a strained neck that would need nursing.

"Guys," Christopher whispered, "guys wake up." None of them moved. He walked over to Elijah and nudged his shoulder, "Eli wake up, Eli." Eli started to shift only to make himself more comfortable. Christopher went over to Leo, "Leo wake up man, Leo." His efforts were hopeless both of his friends were in deep slumber.

"Guys wake up...well don't say I didn't try the nice way to wake you up," a smirk spread on his face as he connected to the water element drew water from the pipes through the bathroom sink and in one fluid movement splashed water all over his friends.  

"Aaaaaaa! What the fudge? Man are you crazy?" Leo shouted. Elijah rushed to his feet with his fists squeezed into balls and pinned Christopher on the nearest wall.

"Ok, ok my bad, sorry man," Christopher offered with his hands up in the air trying hard to hold in a laugh that was starting to form.

"You better be sorry," Elijah growled.

"I am sorry, honestly. I tried to wake you up but you must have been so tired you didn't stir an inch so I got creative. Guys, I need your help." They both looked at him as if they were ready to pounce at him. "I want to communicate with my family back on earth."

"You want what? No, no and no. You MUST have permission from the high council to do so and you need to know the ritual. Do you?" Leo said with furrowed eyebrows.

"Well, actually no, but I am the One and I was claimed by IT," Christopher countered.  

"I see. Well in that case, No! Eli tell him something." Leo insisted. Elijah was watching them argue back and forth from the sidelines not really wanting to take part in this screaming match.

"Chris even if we did want to help you, we don't know the ritual. We would have to break into the restricted section of the library to get the Book of Rituals without being caught. Then we would have to get into the solstice room to conduct the ritual using the solar clock; again without being caught. So you see we can't help you because we will all get caught and punished." Elijah rambled.

"Eli!" Leo screamed at him.

"What? I told him how it cannot get done," he shrugged.

"He is the One. Don't you think that he can cast an invisibility spell that will cloak all three of us and we won't be discovered?" Leo covered his mouth as soon as the words left his mouth.

All three of them stood still staring at each other.

"So how do I cast an invisibility spell? Maister hasn't taught me that yet," Christopher said breaking the silence.

"In the library." Leo informed him with arms crossed across his chest.

"Will you help?" Christopher asked and watched as both his friends nodded their agreement.

"To the library it is then," Christopher said smiling not being able to hide his excitement that he was one step closer to seeing his family.

The three of them entered the library, to be more specific Elijah and Christopher were following Leo into the library. Heads were turning as they passed through the corridors.

"People are staring," Elijah whispered.

"They can stare all they want," Christopher said defiantly.

"It won't help if they find out what we are trying to do," Leo reasoned with him. Leo led the way to the spell section right in the center of the building. "Now, you two go and sit over there on the desks while I go and fetch the book from the shelf," Leo ordered.

"Yes sir," Elijah joked.

"Smartass," Leo mumbled through his teeth as he left them.


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