Chapter Fourteen

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They were all walking back to their rooms. Christopher was thinking about asking if his friends knew something about the unicorn he had met earlier during his escape. He decided against it, he would keep his discovery to himself for now.

"Hey Chris, Christopher," Elijah snapped his fingers in front of his face "I was talking to you and you zoned out."

"Sorry Eli, what were you saying?"

"I was asking you if you were in for flight training," he repeated.

"Sure. I think I could use the training," Christopher replied.

"Yeah you do," he said with a chuckle.

Christopher raised his eyebrow, "with friends like you who needs enemies," he offered dryly.

Elijah and Leo couldn't constrain themselves. After a couple of minutes Leo was the first to sober up, "Enemies are overrated."

"Come on let's get a move on guys, apparently I need the training." Christopher said ironically.

They were executing flying drills for more than an hour. Christopher was feeling his cloudbody getting stronger each day that passed by. He had to get stronger both in his fighting and magistrar skills.

"Hey guys?" Christopher asked, Leo and Elijah hummed in response. "Exactly what happens during the winter solstice and we have to train so hard?"

His friends and ex-guards, upon his arrival in Silyn, looked at each other as if they were having a silent conversation with each other using their eyes. After what seemed like forever to Christopher Leo finally spoke, "Do you know what keeps Silyn strong?"

"That's not what I asked," he replied.

"Indulge me," Leo challenged.

"What?" Christopher countered.

"We are the ones that keep Silyn strong," Leo explained, "not us cloudsoldiers that fight Castle Gold or any other enemy that comes knocking on our gates, but us as in our souls." His penetrating gaze not leaving Christopher as he spoke.

"Yes I know we fight we all our strength to keep Silyn protected."

"No, you misunderstood what I said," a deep sigh escaped Leo's throat, "Let me try again and make myself more clear. When an earthly soul arrives in the Cloud Kingdom we have the scout missions that go out and collect it. Each young soul that is collected gives more energy to the heart of Silyn Castle that survives because of this energy."

"During the summer solstice, we, the cloudpeople in Silyn Castle have more energy and are able to defend our castle with greater ease. Once winter solstice comes, Castle Gold that feeds off the dark energy is more powerful than Silyn. The Queen and the council have intel that Castle Gold is preparing to attack this year during the winter solstice. That's why everyone is pushing harder than ever for all to be in top form," Leo finished.

"You think they will attack?" Christopher asked.

"If they find out you are here, they will most definitely attack," Leo said with a confidence in his voice that sent chills down Christopher's spine.

"Do you know if they found out that I'm here?"

Leo and Elijah both shrugged at his question. "Well, one thing is certain when they find out King Evelthon won't be happy that he is no longer the only One on Cloud Kingdom."

A rumbling chuckle rolled out of Christopher's chest. His friends looked at him as if he was going crazy.

"He's finally lost it," Elijah said to Leo.

"I gave him too much information too fast," Leo said sadly.

"Guys, guys relax I'm fine," Christopher assured them.

"This," said Elijah gesturing towards Christopher, "is fine?"

"Don't you get it?"

"Get what?" They replied simultaneously.

"The irony." Christopher mumbled to himself.

"Of?" Elijah asked.

"The irony, to be the One when there are actually two of you. If I was King Evelthon I would be royally pissed," and all three of them cracked up.
They were all lying on their backs watching the moons and the other Kingdoms floating in the distance of Cloud Kingdom's atmosphere through the diamond dome.

"Have you ever visited the other Kingdoms?" Christopher asked.

"Personally no, but Queen Iris and Maister did in the past. They visited our allies, Oris Kingdom, Joleen Kingdom, Turwq Kingdom and Firal Kingdom," Leo answered.

"They sent emissaries here as well, Joleen Kingdom were the most eerie people I have ever seen," Elijah said with a dreamy look.

"Any one specific you are referring to Eli?" Leo said with a small smirk on his face.

"No" Elijah spat out pressing his lips together to a thin line.

"How many other Kingdoms are there?" Christopher asked trying to ease the tension that was oozing from Eli.

"Ten that we know of and were able to contact," Elijah offered.

A inaudible sound caught Christopher's attention. He sat up and sharply looked around them.

"What is it?" Leo asked him.

A few minutes passed before Christopher replied that he thought he heard something. "Probably the flowers," Leo waived him off.

As he started to lie back on the ground he saw blurry movement to his right. "There, on the right you guys see that?" Christopher told them. Both, Leo and Elijah, quickly turned and searched in the direction he was pointing.

"There is nothing, maybe the wind," Elijah dismissed him.

Christopher was so sure something was there. After five more minutes passed and everything was quiet he decided it might be the tension of the end of the mock wars finally catching up to him. He got up and said his goodbyes to his friends and headed for his room. As he passed by the blossomed almond tree to his right he was doubled over from the pain that was coursing through his body.

The amount of energy through him was so great that he could not handle it. He fell to the ground in fetal position in an effort to get through this.


Another chapter, I hope you guys enjoy.

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