Chapter 32

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"Luna you can't go."

Luna whined moving her paw up to hit her ear as she sat there right outside the Library doors Max was about to walk through.

"But you don't hang out with me anymore and I thought today was the day for practicing. I practice shifting and you practice having a social life with anyone besides Jason."

"One I have plenty of friends... enough friends," she added sticking her tongue out at Luna, "and I also told you today I wanted to check on the whole you know what."

"Your dreams?"

"It's not normal Luna, I've been having the same dream every night or every other night since I have came here. I've been here for months now. If anything I should have done this before," Max opened the door, stepping through, walking carefully around a sharp nail sticking out of a corner her dress could easily have gotten stuck in. Why am I wearing a dress again? Because you need to do laundry. If only clothes could magically clean themselves. Well at least I have leggings on.

"Fine but don't expect any best friend love from me. Maybe I'll stay with Lily tonight."

"One that may not work because she has told me countless of times that she is kind of scared of you. She enjoys the days where you are off with Jason and she doesn't have to hear your snoring..."

Luna glared making a loud biting noise, baring her teeth, though Max knew it wasn't anything to be scared about even when a few people walked away faster. "Awww, don't worry I don't mind your snoring. Now who's my favorite girl, you are, yes you are, yes you are," Max cooed as Luna stepped forward biting her outstretched hand gently.

Chuckling Max couldn't bring herself to admit that it always tickled her when Luna did that, especially when she sent kisses after she so called "bit" her hand.

"Don't make me hate you, I was just warming up to you."

"I'm so touched, now go before you get in trouble and spend the night in the kettle." With that Luna was gone.

"Wait, how do I get back in?"

"Lily might be there..."

"Nevermind I'm going to Jason."

Max chuckled still finding it a little surprising that she had gotten so use to their mind conversations. Few months ago she wouldn't had even imagined this whole world exist. Sometimes I wander what more is out there? Who would I go with to explore it? On second thought why would I go with anyone else other than myself. Me, myself and I, no better team. Ok not true I would take Luna if she wanted to go... quite a funny thought...

"Excuse me miss, do you need help moving from the door way?" She heard the snide remark, she turned to face her and groaned. I recognize her from class. A perfect. Why am I not surprise.

"No, but do you need help washing out that sour attitude? I hear soap works just find," Max snapped back so not in the mood and walked away before the perfect could reply.

Max began her search for books starting on the left side of the Library. The way the Library was structured was so unreal. She always thought it was too impressive and dream like to be real, something that should remain in the imagination and yet here it was.

The very center of the room had fancy glass tables, and nice oak tree wooden chairs. There was a laptop for every seat and a pair of fancy headphones to go with it. And this place is just so perfect, education is important and all that students could even rent the laptops out if they needed to. Dealing with a rich school with rich people problems. Though I love this place too much to complain about it especially since I rented a laptop a month ago and no one had said anything about it. Is that a problem?

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