Chapter 44

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"And Max we are in this loop again. You sure you don't want to just tell me? You are looking a bit under the weather," Rav grinned as he laced his voice with fake concern and innocence. Max's tried to move her arm around but it wouldn't budge with the guards holding her down. Her hands weren't cuff but their hold was too tight to do anything with the advantage.

"Yeah thanks for the surprise," Max laughed bitterly and notice Rav's eye twitch slight showcasing his limited patience but he smiled anyway.

"I'm glad you liked it, I shall be sending 4717 in more regularly."

"I'm sorry who's 4717?"

"The person who dropped by and gave you a visit of course," Rav gave her a looked that implied that she was stupid but she received it every time she said "no" so she was quite use to it. In fact it comforted her that the old Rav she knew seemed to have the same buttons as this new Rav.

"I never met a 4717. I do happen to know a Lily that visited me last night. Do you know who she is? I can assure you her name is not 4717," Max voice dripped with false innocence but her mind was full of sarcasm.

He frowned at that. "4717, Lily whatever. I can promise you that the more you don't start cooperating the worst it will get."

"I'm kind of tired of this..."

"Then tell me!"

"You first."

"Tell me or I'll go after everyone you love!!" Rav shouted and Max had to refrain from rolling her eyes. Like I hadn't heard that one before.

"Whatever fine! You want to see a real dragon? A real beast!?" She shouted frustratingly, irritating by his asking. He wants them fine not my problem anymore.

He beamed with pride, and gave his servants a smug look. "Yes, I'm glad you are finally using your senses. Where are they? Where is he?" Rav's voice held so much venom, Max was regretting saying anything but she went through with it anyway.

"You won't hurt them. Jason or Luna?"

"Yes," he whispered irritatingly.

"The guy at the front gate is what? Twice the side of a normal person. I say that's pretty beastly to me. Wouldn't fight him," Max shuttered at the thought and felt quite satisfied, until he laughed.

Rav unsheathed a sharp blade as long as a sword but not quite the design of a sword. The blade's metal was twisted and flatten as if it had been melted and the handle was black with gold skulls. As weird as the design was the tip of the sword was very sharper, sharper than she had ever seen. It was a killer weapon. If she wasn't nervous before, she was now.

He chuckled when he noticed her uneasiness and flipped the blade in the air, the blade soaring towards her. His guards held her down and all she could do was close her eyes but as quick as it was thrown he caught it by the handle and drew it back to him.

"You should have seen your face..." he laughed amused and when he had stopped laughing his eyes then became bitter and hard. Max unnerved by the sudden change kept her from responding. Two-face much?

"Now this is no ordinary sword as you have figured out, it has been enchanted and cursed before even I was born. It wasn't till I was 20 that I found out about it. I fought the girl who had this before me and was badly injured by the experience but there was one problem. The blade's power didn't work on me. I quickly figured something was wrong by her worried expression and when she was caught off guard and stuck in her own thoughts I swiped my sword and killed her. She was the first person I killed and I found it thrilling. More so when I soon after found out I was immortal enough and couldn't die."

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