Chapter 1 : 40 years later

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40 years later...

The silent hooded figure moved between the trees, towards the unsuspecting Orc pack. An arrow was notched on the dark archers long white wooden bow.
The veiled hunter froze as a snarl erupted from behind them.
In a split second, they whirled round and shot the warg between the eyes, piercing it's scull through and through.
An Orc came charging from the right, with its axe raised above its head, intent on killing the silent, skilled stranger.
From their belt, the hunter whipped an obsidian knife and threw it at the oncoming Orc, killing him in one blow.
Dropping the bow, the warrior pulled two elf made swords from their back and swung round to face the two warg riders charging in to attack .
The dark, cloaked figure stood fast, ready for the onslaught.
Suddenly the killer sprang forward, swinging the swords low and aiming at the wargs legs. They hit their targets and sent both the wargs and their riders toppling to the forest floor. The draped assassin then advanced on the closest opponent, beheading the Orc in one swift swing of their sword. The ranger then span round to counter the blow from the Orc behind. The hunter then kicked the Orc in the chest, grounding him and then running him through with both blades; then did the same to the two wounded wargs. This happened all in the space of ninety seconds. To say the hooded figure was skilled, would be an under statement. The ranger was a natural born killer, who followed their animal instinct and intuition. The ranger sheathed their weapons then padded quietly over to their discarded bow, stepping on the odd Orc corpse, and stooped to pick it up.

There was a slight sound behind the hunter. The wind carried the sound to the cloaked figures ears who, in a mili-second, notched an arrow and crouched in a threatening position, ready to attack. Instead of a fearsome beast, a tall old man wearing grey robes and a pointed, but slightly crooked, hat came out with a tall staff. The hunter stood in one smooth movement at the appearance of their old time friend and carried on putting away their weapons.
"Ah, Gandalf, what brings you here?" The hooded figure asked, in a cheerless voice making the grey robed wizard chuckle.
"Can't an old friend seek some company?" He asked in a sweet tone, making the cloaked swordsman smirk at their friends 'fake innocence' and carry on looting the dead Orcs.
" I'd like to think, Gandalf, that we have known each other long enough to tell the truth. Now what is it your here for? I have more Orc hunting to do" the dark bowman growled, standing up and leaning against a tree, folding their arms over their chest in a care free manor.
"Indeed, you know me too well and I like to think we have known each other long enough to ask for favours." Gandalf chuckled, leaning heavily against his staff. The ranger rolled their eyes at Gandalfs' polite way of saying 'I want to cash a debt'.

"We both know you wish to cash a debt Gandalf, so get to it, I travel by foot remember, i need time to carry out this deed you ask of." The hunter said with an air of annoyance at the slow pace the convosation was moving.
"So you accept?" The grey pilgrim asked with a triumphant grin on his face, making The ranger sigh.
"Wipe that grin off your face, old man, we both know I have no choice. My debt must be paid. Now what is it you want of me?" the hunter asked quietly with a playful tone, assessing the wizards weariness with concern. He was after all a dear friend.
"I want you to accompany me and my party on a quest. I wish for you to protect us and pacifically a halfling that will be joining us. He will need protection most during this expedition" the wizard said with a friendly resonance. Silence settled over them both as the ranger just stared at the old wizard, for a moment, before nodding once, telling him to continue.
"Journey to the shire. There, there will be a mark on a door to help you find your way. It should be easy to find. In two days time, a meeting with the company shall be held there, I expect to see you apart of it. I will see you at bag-end, Adrianna " Gandalf said with a respectful nod, that Adrianna returned, before silently walking off into the forest.

Adrianna POV

I had arrived a day head of schedule, and was now waiting In the old forest by the Shire.
Hobbiton seemed like such a peaceful place, perhaps too peaceful for my likening. So peaceful, In fact, that my armour was getting strange looks ! And that was saying something, seen as I wasn't wearing much on the armour side, due to my tactic of :'speed before brute strength'. I wore close fitting black leather trousers that laced up the sides. As well as knee high, brown leather boots with soft leather soles to make my footsteps silent, which laced up the front. Armour wise, I was wearing a form fitting light weight, green, metal plated elf made breast plate with intricate weaving designs over the top of a flowing, off the shoulder button up white blouse. On top of all this , I wore a long, hooded black cloak to cover up my weapons and keep out some of the wind and rain. I was a trained hunter, a peaceful life could never keep me happy.

This forest was nice, with plenty of game and fruit. One could simply live off the forest if they resided here. That was what I did mostly, live off the forest. I was that type of person, I could live entirely off the terrain if I had to. But a few luxuries like a bed roll, a blanket, a tooth and hair brush couldn't hurt much. And soap of course! I had with me my small leather bag of supplies but I mostly just hunted and lived off the landscape. Often, I didn't even use my bed roll, instead I slept in the trees, up high where it was safe. That's where I was now. Up in the trees observing the forest with morbid silver eyes. I looked up to the sky and gazed at the thousand upon thousand of glittering stars, thinking of my mother and brother. Thats where they will be, dancing in the stars, shinning like diamonds. I still mourned for them and I would never stop morning for them. They had died because of my foolish and rash actions. The actions of a bratty young girl. I angrily shook the painful memories from my mind and started furiously sharping my weapons. I had 6 obsidian throwing knives, 3 different daggers, (two of which I kept in my boots whilst the other was on my belt). Along with that, I had a leather pouch strapped to my right leg that carried another 9 sliver throwing knives that I had collected over time. And of course I had my long white wood elvish made bow and arrows. My quiver had been a gift from Gandalf, It had been charmed to never run out of arrows and would also turn into a leather chest strap when It was unneeded. Lastly I had my twin elvish blades : Alag and Tirth. Or in the common tongue : Impulse and vigilance. Their very names contradicted each other, but together, there was perfect harmony. After sharpening my blades, until they practically shone like the moon itself, I sheeted my weapons and turned in for the night.
I dreaded meeting new people , who knew nothing of my shifting ability.


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