Chapter 25 : Fire made flesh

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Adrianna POV

I close my eyes and think. The heat on my skin makes it evan harder to concentrate. Then it hits me.



Fire made flesh.

Suddenly , pain rips through me as my bones start to shift. Pain is all I know.
The heat now feels like a mid summer breeze. It was nice , pleasant evan.
I sigh as the pain dampens. The sword in my chest still hurts , but the pain of shifting hurts more. I open my great silver eyes , and look down. I was high off the grown , and I stood in fire. I was no longer myself though , Oh no , my great pearly white limbs extended below me. My long tail behind me swayed in the fire. My huge feathery wings expanded far around me. My great neck held up my graceful head. I was filled with a sense of pride.

I was a pearly white dragon.

My amazement didn't last long , as I remembered Thorin. I carefully and gently picked him up in my large talons. I found myself purring as I heard his heart beat grow stronger. I held him close to me , then I dived off the cliff and set off towards where the eagles had taken my company.


I soared through the sky , beating my great wings as I traveled the great distance the eagles had traveled. I could feel my strength draining more and more. My massive shadow covered the land below me , startling any animal caught in it. But prey was not my adjective. I needed to find my mate help.

' hold on ki yawne ' I spoke to thorin thought my mind , the link was strengthening . The pain in my chest was slowly growing , with each wing beat. The sword seemed to sink deeper into my chest as I flew.

" I will kill you Azzzog!" I growled. My voice was powerful , as if many voices said my words. My voice rode over the hills , in a powerful wave.

I heard Thorins heart beat stutter , which urged me to go faster. I roared with fear , and flew faster , smelling the eagles nearby. Nearby , I heard the company shouting and screaming to each other. They silenced as my shadow pasted over them.

"DRAGON!" I heard one of them scream as I got closer. I gilded down as my strength dwindled. I twisted at the last moment , so I would land on my back. I crashed , with a sickening crack in the tree just behind the clearing the company now stood in. I roared with pain and the tree broke beneath me.

Finally , my slide came to a stand still. I carefully placed Thorin down . Then I took off again. His heart beat was growing stronger , he would be fine with the company.

I didn't get far , I landed (crash landed) by a stream near by. I yanked out the dreadful sword ,but a shard snapped off. I clawed at my chest in an attempt to get it out , but my scales would not allow it. I felt the shard dig deeper as I tried to retreve it. I whimpered in pain , then laid down beside the stream. (Sorry about all the 'i's I was going for repetition)

I was going to die.

My wings were tucked in close to me , as my blood began the flow into the ground , staining it a deep crimson colour. I whimpered again, as the shard sank deeper. Nearby , I heard something moving. I didn't bother to move my head , I no longer cared. I knew Thorin was in safe hands. If who ever was out there wanted to skin me , then so be it.

"Oh , Adrianna" said a sad voice. I purred softly as I realised it was Gandalf.

" I am dying my old friend" I murmured , my voice sounding like that of 100.

" I fear you are right ,I feel a dark presence inside of you." Gandalf said , running his hands over my scaled neck ; I purred .

" Attack!" I heard some one shout as the rest of the company charged into the clearing. I was relieved to see Thorin alive and well.

" Stop you fools" Gandalf roared , raising his hands . I weakly lifted my head to look at the company.

They stood together , even the hobbit , their weapons gleaming. Once Thorin saw my eyes , he sheathed his weapon and moved forward. I watched him , purring softly.

' Hello , ki yawne ' I said in his mind. He paused for a moment before advancing again.

'Can you hear me ?' He thought back at me , making me nod. I lowered my head as he reached me. I closed my eyes as he reached out a hand. I purred evan louder as he stroked my pearly scales.

" Thorin! What in Durin's name are you doing!" Balin cried , edging forward.

"Are you blind , or just stupid? It's Adrianna you fool" Gandalf snapped , examining my wound. A frown was on his face.

' Thorin ...i n-need help shifting back... Please can you-' I began.

" shift" Thorin whispered the command softly. This time , there was no pain , except in my chest. In seconds , I was myself again.

Blood pored from my chest and I coughed up more blood. Some how my dragon form had stopped the obsidian shard from sinking deeper into my heart. Now the shard was quickly making its way towards my core, ripping away my soul as it did so.

" Gandalf!" Thorin cried , panicked as he cradled me in his arms.

I coughed up more blood as my body shook. Gandalf face appeared above me as he started to mutter words. I turned my head and looked into Thorin ice blue eyes , as darkness slowly claimed me.


Well there we go , may have to wait a tiny bit for next updates because all this was pre-written before I started updating , I wanted to see if any one would read it before I wrote it all. Tell me what you think , vote , comment I'd love to hear what cha thinking;) stay safe and have a nice day/night x

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