Adrianna POVI lay painfully on a pile of gold, writhing in white hot pain that laced my body. I could hear the distant shouting of dwarves, but my ears buzzed and my heart thundered in them. I held my side as blood gushed from a deep wound that would defiantly leave a scar. Far, far above me, I could see Erebor's ceiling, encased in darkness. All around, gold gleamed and shone, casting golden light around the place. But I took no notice, even to the cold coins pressed against my back. All I could think of was the pain. An hour ago, all had been well, hope burrowed in all of our hearts. And then it ended, just like that. Fear replaced hope and now here I lay, in a pool of my own blood. How things changed...
^*^*^*^*^*^*^flash back^*^*^*^*^*^*^
" Thorin." Balin whispered, his eyes glossy with ushed tears as he put a hand on thorin shoulder. Thorin returned these actions, before stepping inside the door.
" I know these walls. These halls. This stone." Thorin chocked out, running a hand over a smooth wall inside. He walked in further, I tensed as I heard a hiss once more, along with a sound of falling coins.
" You remember it, Balin. Chambers filled with golden light." Thorin said quietly, but Balin heard him.
" I remember." Balin whispered back as he and the other dwarves stepped into the mountain too. I stayed back understanding this was there home, which they hadn't seen since... I loud hiss caught my attention, but the others didn't notice. I turned away from the door, ignoring the dwarves and bilbo as I placed a hand on the mountain side. I felt magic, and power. Another hiss made me back away from the wall.
" The Arkenstone." I heard Balin say, and noticed every one was now looking at bilbo.
" The Arkenstone. And what's that?" Bilbo asked, nervousness obvious in his voice.
" That, Master Burglar, is why you are here." Thorin snapped, the dark look back in his eyes. Bilbo looked around at the dwarves, suddenly panicked as he realised the task ahead of him. I sent him a soft smile, but in truth I was scared. Scared for my friends, scared for Thorin and bilbo and...everyone.
I watched as Balin took bilbo in, I was worried as a pang of fear rushed through me. A few seconds later, Balin walked back out, alone. Bain had long since disappeared, and every one was now quiet. My mind could only concentrate on 'what ifs' , making my heart beat faster.
'Please don't die bilbo...I beg of you'
Minuets went by, and I heard nothing. I stood at the entrance to the mountain, listening intently. My gaze kept flickering to the dwarves, more over Thorin. Bilbos foot steps had long since faded, putting me more on edge. A soft growl left me, as I saw the dwarves, none of them looking worried for bilbo. I heard a soft faint sound, making me tense.
Damn it bilbo stay quiet! I edged forward into the door way more, my eyes flickering over to the dwarves, none were looking. I slipped into the darkness. I carefully picked my way silently down the hall, the air thick with the smell of death and ash. I froze as a large noise startled me. It sounded like...coins moving. I move faster, sneaking down the hall as quickly and quietly as possible. All of a sudden, a loud crash echoed down the hall, coming from' what I assumed to be the treasure room. A scent hit me in the face, and I knew.
Smaug had awoken.
I broke into a run, heading towards the noise.
'Stay alive bilbo, I'm coming!'
"Well, thief..." I heard a deep, smooth voice say as I reached a corner. A small growl escaped me. This was smaug? A greedy fool that took what wasn't his. Anger flared inside me. I took a deep breath and held it, before sneaking into the treasure room. Before me lay a sea of gold, gems and other valuables. But what demanded my attention was the huge dragon stood upon the gold, his blood red scales contrasting massively against his gleaming hoard. Where was bilbo? I ducked behind a chest as I let my breath, making Smaug glance over at where I once stood.

I am loyalty (Thorin / OC )
FanfictionI am loyalty. I am fire made flesh. I am yours. Pain.Fear.Sadness.Guilt. This is all she feels. After decades of torment , Adrianna (one of the last shifters in Middle-earth) starts to go crazy. She slaughters any Orc she finds , but never mind how...