Adrianna POV
It was now morning we had all been set free from the sacks (and of corse the spit). I scowled , as I watched Gandalf walk over to one of the troll statues and thump it with his staff , a pleased smile on his face.
I noticed Thorin approach Gandalf and my ears twitched forward, listening."Where did you go to, if I may ask?" Thorin said to Gandalf.
"To look ahead."Gandalf replied stubbornly.
"What brought you back?" Thorin asked , looking down.
"Looking behind. Nasty business. Still, you are all in one piece."Gandalf said , looking around the clearing.
"No thanks to your burglar." Thorin growled , glaring at bilbo who was inspecting the stone trolls.
'If it wasn't for him, Thorin, some of us would be dead!' I thought angrily , making my way over to bilbo. Not before I heard Gandalf say:
"He had the nous to play for time. None of the rest of you thought of that."
I stood beside bilbo , my hood once again raised.
"That was extremely brave of you bilbo , thank you for saving us. If it wasn't for your quick thinking , I'd been in the belly of a foul troll by now " I said , smiling at the blushing hobbit.
"Nah it's was Gandalf who saved us , my plan failed anyway!" He said , looking down.
I scoffed."Indeed , Gandalf may have banged his bloody staff against a rock , but he left us. This wouldn't have happened , had he not stormed off. What you did , truly did save us. If you hadn't have gotten us more time , we wouldn't be here right now." I said , placing a hand on bilbos shoulder reassuringly. I looked up as I felt someone's eyes on us. I saw the dark glare (of ...jealously? )Thorin was giving bilbo. His ice blue eyes met my silver , and his face softened.
I smile slightly , as I wasn't really mad at him , I just thought he should give bilbo more more credit."We must find the cave!" Gandalf called out to the company , then he looked at me. "-will you find it ?" He asked me .
I sigh and nod , shifting into a barn owl and launching into the sky.I soon found it , and spiralled back down to the awaiting company.
I lightly landed on Thorins shoulder , blatantly ignoring Gandalf arm.
I nibbled some of Thorins air with my beak , then pecked his shoulder , wanting him to lift his arm.
He snapped out of his frozen state and lifted his arm , chuckling.
I walked down his arm sideways , and perched on his fore arm .
I made sure I didn't dig my talons In."Did you find it then?" Gandalf asked , watching has Thorin stroked my feathers.
I bobbed my head , and leaned into Thorins hand cooing slightly."Care to show us where , lass?" Thorin murmured.
I nudged his hand , then flew to the nearest tree.
I soon had lead them to the troll cave.
They tied their ponies (which they had lead) nearby and came towards the smelly cave.
The cave was full of treasure the trolls had been hoarding , but it smelt like a tomb of rotting corpses.I landed on Thorins shoulder , then hopped onto the floor. I shifted back a few moments later and stood from my crouched position. I only came to Thorin chin , god I was small!
"What's that stench?!"Nori cried , as we approached the cave.
"It's a troll horde. Be careful what you touch." Gandalf called back , entering the cave ahead of us.
As we entered the cave , many of the dwarfs coughed and retched at the pungency.
I scoffed , thought I would not admit it , it stank to high heaven.
'Whimps' I though ' my sense of smell is at least 10 times more sensitive then yours !'.Bilbo hadn't evan been able to go near the cave . He had turned a sickly shade of green the moment he got a whiff of the revolting oder.
Around us lay piles of gold and other treasures in caskets.
I wasn't very bothered by the treasures , but some of the weapons there intrigued me."Seems a shame just to leave it lying around . Anyone could take it" bofur said , eyeing the piles of jewels and coins. I rolled my eyes and carried on inspecting a set of silver daggers I'd picked up.
"Agreed . Nori , get a shovel!" Gloin cried , diving for the treasure. He was quickly followed by the other dwarfs. I rolled my eyes once more and added the throwing knives to my own collection. I turn towards Thorin , as he found two swords covered in cobwebs. Gandalf noticed too and approached him.
"These swords were not made by any troll." Thorin muttered , admiring the beautiful swords. He then handed one to Gandalf and kept the other.
"Nor were they made by any smith among men." Gandalf comments , as he draws the sword in his hands out of its sheath a few inches.
"These were forged in Gondolin by the High Elves of the First Age." Gandalf says , sparking my interest . I walked towards them.
Thorin , realising that the fine blade was an elven sword , started to put it down in disgust."You could not wish for a finer blade." I state sternly, gazing at the blade in his hands.
Unwillingly , Thorin held onto the sword . He mirrored Gandalf action and also pulled the sword from its sheath a few inches.
I notice some of the dwarfs who were greedily filling a chest to the brim with treasure then burying it in a hole in the ground. I saw Dwalin also looking at them in disgust."We're making a long term deposit!" Gloin claimed , filling in the hole with the last bit of dirt and wiping his hand on his coat.
"Let's get out of this foul place. Come on, let's go. Bofur! Gloin! Nori!" Thorin shouts , moving towards the cave exit.
The others follow him out , but something metallic caught my eye.
I crouched and brushed aside some leaves to reveal another sword. Well , more of a short sword , but it could do some damage if needed. I picked up the sword and made my way out. I exited the cave and headed over to where bilbo was sitting on a rock a little way away. I smiled down at him , then handed him the elven short sword I'd just found."Bilbo, here. This is about your size." I said , sitting down beside him.
"I can't take this." Bilbo exclaimed , gazing down at the blade in awe.
My smile dropped , although he couldn't see as I still had my hood up."The blade is of Elvish make , which means it will glow blue when orcs or goblins are nearby." I told bilbo , also looking at the sword as he pulled it from its sheath. It was very nimble and sharpe and had the tell-tail elvish markings on it. Bilbo griped the leather handle firmly , then sheathed it again.
"How do you know so much about eleves. You where evan speaking elvish back there , weren't you ?" Bilbo exclaims , looking at me for an explanation. I chuckled at his surprised features.
"I'm older then I look bilbo , much like the elves I do not show my aging very much. I have been around a long while and in my time I have been in the company of many different beings. It just so happenes , that I have come across eleves in my many years. Also a dear friend taught me the language , 'til i was practically fluent." I explained , smirking at bilbo's shocked expression. I looked back to the sword.
"That sword is the perfect size for you , well balanced and light. It will serve you well. But I hope you never have to use it . If you do, remember this: true courage is about knowing not when to take a life, but when to spare one." I said to bilbo , changing the subject.
"I have never used a sword in my life." Bilbo told me , but still attached the sword to his belt.
Suddenly I caught I noise in the distance. The thudding of paws."Something's coming!" I shouted to the company , leaping up from the rock I was sat on and bounding down the small hill . I whipped out my bow and notched an arrow , pointing it in the direction of the noise.
"Gandalf-" bilbo cried.
"Stay together! Hurry now. Arm yourselves." Gandalf shouted , drawing his new sword. I glanced back at bilbo as he also drew his sword , gazed at it for a moment then follwed the rest of us into the woods.

I am loyalty (Thorin / OC )
FanfictionI am loyalty. I am fire made flesh. I am yours. Pain.Fear.Sadness.Guilt. This is all she feels. After decades of torment , Adrianna (one of the last shifters in Middle-earth) starts to go crazy. She slaughters any Orc she finds , but never mind how...