Adrianna POV
The day had started like any other , the company rode their ponies whilst I and Thorin lead.
I had been eyeing the dark rain clouds slowly gathering over us .
This morning , no one had mentioned the fact that I had been curled up in Thorin chest , and I was glad.
The plat Thorin had put in my hair had transferred to my horse form too , and was about half way through my mane. Thorin would play with it now and them , twirling it round his fingers.
I was still confused as to why he did it , but I decided to leave it for now.I had always loved the smell of rain , and was quite fond of it.
It was a different tale with the dwarfs.
We where riding through a muddy forest , hoping to find cover from the rain.
The company was cold ,tired and miserable. We had been marching on all day , and my hooves were aching. My head hung low to the ground , as I slowly picked my way through the mud.I'd noticed that the camp seemed to be creating a structure.
Filli and Killi where always working together , as were most of the dwarf brothers.
At night , there seemed to be a pattern in where we placed our bed rolls.
At first it seemed utterly random , but I found it after a while of watching.
The brothers always slept by each other , whilst bilbo , Gandalf and i slept away from the groups.
I had unconsciously been placing my sleeping mat by Thorins , whilst bilbo slept on my other side in case I had to protect him.
There was an unspoken agreement between me and Thorin , that I would be beside him most of the time.
Like a loyal companion , I slept by him and evan ate by him. I'm not sure if any one was beging to notice.
I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts as I slipped on some mud and had to catch myself and steady us so Thorin didn't fall off. Then ,Dori decided to speak."Mr.Gandalf , can you do something about this deluge?" Dori asked , making me lift my head and flicker my ears back to listen.
'Ha , Gandalf control the weather?!' I though ' I think not!'
"It is raining, Master Dwarf, and it will continue to rain, until the rain is done. If you wish to change the weather of the world, you should find yourself another wizard."Gandalf said , his voice filled with sarcasm. Changing the weather wasn't a simple deed , you had to manipulate nature itself . Dodgy business really.
"Are there any?" Bilbo asked his voice filled with interest. I bobbed my head to say 'yes, five' but Gandalf didn't catch on.
"What?" Gandalf asked turning in his saddle to look at bilbo.
"Other wizards" bilbo said , raising his eyebrows.
"There are five of us. The greatest of our order is Saruman, the White-" I snorted at this , I wasn't fond of that man , he gave off evil vibes. "-Then there are the two Blue wizards; you know, I've quite forgotten their names."
'Typical of you to do that Gandalf' I though , tossing my head and mane .
"And who is the fifth?"bilbo asked again , wow this hobbit asks a lot if tedious questions.
"Well, that would be Radagast, the Brown." Gandalf replied , facing ahead once again. I whinnied my liking , as Radagast was my favourite wizard of all .
He was like a father to me , granted he was slightly crazy but ...the best people are!
Thorin leaned over my neck and whispered in my ear , running his hands down my neck in calming motions."It's not nice to listen to other peoples conversations you know , lass" he chuckled , sitting back up properly , as I stamped my hoof in playful outrage.
' I thought this was a group conversation! ' I though ,once again tossing my long mane.
"Is he a great Wizard or is he... more like you?" Bilbo asked sending me into a fit of laugher. I threw my head up and whinnied , laughing till my sides hurt.
Gandalf scowled at me , then bilbo , looking slightly offended. When I didn't shut up , he bopped me with his staff , making me canter forward slightly to escape his wrath."I think he's a very great wizard, in his own way. He's a gentle soul who prefers the company of animals to others. He keeps a watchful eye over the vast forest lands to the East, and a good thing too, for always Evil will look to find a foothold in this world." I nickered , nudging Thorin foot with my muzzel , showing I agreed . Radagast was a truly gentle soul who cared for animals. That's why we got on so well , he saw me as another one of his animal friends , and had taken care of me many times in the past.
We continued on until nightfall , where we set up camp next to an old farm house.
I felt skittish as we trotted up to it . Thorin felt my reaction too , as he soothingly patted my neck whispering calm words. I calmed down straight away , but I still felt on edge. This was my magic acting up , I knew something terrible had happened here. The company dismounted , and I shifted , cracking my aching bones and stretching. I walked over to the burnt house and touched the wood.
What I saw made me reel back.
A family had died her , a farmer , his wife and their two little girls had been killed horrendously not long ago. I felt that whatever had killed them was still near by."We'll make camp here for tonight. Filli , Killi watch after the horses , make sure you stay with them!-" Thorin shouted as I sank down to the floor , I was utterly exhausted. And now I was nervous and worried.
"A farmer and his family used to live here" I heard Gandalf say.
I stood and walked over to him , nodding."- Oin , Gloin get a fire going!" Thorin shouted , still yelling out orders.
"Aye , right you are , something terrible happened to them" I said , evan my voice sounded worn out.
" I think it would be wiser to move on. We could make for the hidden valley" Gandalf called to Thorin. I groaned at the thought of shifting again. I had carried four of the ponies saddle bags today , and every where hurt.
" ... I will not go near that place , plus Adrianna cannot go any further , she has worked hard today as it is" Thorin said , putting a hand on my shoulder and glancing worriedly at my tired state.
'Thats strange ' I thought , but gladly leant against Thorin slightly. I knew they where about to have a domestic , so I decided to walk over to bilbo who sat awkwardly on his own. I had been thinking of a spell to help me protect him.
" Bilbo , you remember when I said I was here to protect you ? " I said , sitting down heavily beside bilbo.
He nodded in reply." Good , I need to perform a small magic ritual , that will help me protect you. It will tell me if you are in pain or danger. I will evan be able to heal you. Don't worry , it is not a two way thing. So you won't feel it if I get hurt" I explained , producing a dagger from my left boot. I pricked the end of my finger , then grabbed bilbos left hand. I drew a swirling symbol , muttering the words Radagast had taught me , then watched as it faded into his skin. A sharpe pain stung my left hand , and an angry raised red symbol appeared where I had drawn on bilbo hand , on my own. It kicked in instantly ,and I felt his unease , and his home sickness. I also felt his awe , as he stared at the mark on my hand. I turned my head as Thorin raised his voice to Gandalf.
"I did not know that they were yours to keep!"he sneered , I watched as Gandalf's face became red with anger , and then he promptly stormed off angrily , leaving the company.
"Everything alright? Gandalf, where are you going?"bilbo asked alarmed at Gandalf's angered face, whilst I looked on , amused at his sudden tantrum.
"To seek the company of the only one around here who's got any sense!"Gandalf bellowed , throwing his hands and staff in the air in frustration.
"Oh yeah?Who's that?" I said , amusement clear in my tone , earning a ' don't start' look from Gandalf , like one an angry farther would pull.
"Myself! I've had enough of dwarves for one day."he shouted , before disappearing into the trees. I sighed , they had pushed him a little too far.
I still felt uneasy , evan more so now my old friend wasn't here.
I felt bilbo fear raise too, adding to my own.
I sighed in frustration and sat back on large boulder ,closing my eyes."Come on, Bombur, we're hungry."I heard Thorin growl , his mood dark.
I smirked at his voice, I found him funny when he was mad.
Then I heard bilbo voice the companies concerns."Is he coming back?" he whispered to Balin ,but everyone heard him. Balin looked unsure...

I am loyalty (Thorin / OC )
FanfictionI am loyalty. I am fire made flesh. I am yours. Pain.Fear.Sadness.Guilt. This is all she feels. After decades of torment , Adrianna (one of the last shifters in Middle-earth) starts to go crazy. She slaughters any Orc she finds , but never mind how...