Adrianna POV
Bilbo had come to after a while and was now sitting in his armchair by the fire, mug in hand.
"I'll be alright. Just let me sit quietly for a moment" bilbo groaned, taking in a shaky breath.
'God this quest would crush this little guy if he decides to join us' I though, shaking my head wearily.
But still, I had faith in Gandalf and if -no, when bilbo joined us, I'd be there to guard him . Just as Gandalf asked.
Gandalf motioned for me to leave. I caught on to what he was asking, he wished to talk to the hobbit alone. I nodded silently and left from my place in the door way.
I walked down the hall and to the circular front door. I needed some air, and I longed to see the stars. I walked out into the glistening night, then took the steps up onto bilbos roof, that was really just a hill. I sat down on the grass and took down my hood, sighing, as I took in the tranquil beauty of this place. In the surrounding hills the hobbit holes, dotted around, glowed a golden orange, casting a warm glow over the hills. The wind rustled the trees, creating a gentle whispering sound that added to the allure of Hobbiton. In the tall grass, not far away, crickets chirped adding to the melody of sounds. Close by in a tree, an owl hooted, keeping in rhythm with the rest of the harmony. I sighed in content and lay back on the hill, closing my eyes and listening to the sweet music and enjoying the atmosphere. That is, until my heighten hearing caught the end of Gandalf's and bilbos convocation, my slightly pointed ears twitching towards the noise."Can you promise I will come back?" Bilbo asked, in a tone close to dread, for he knew the answer.
"No, I myself cannot. And if you do , you'll not be the same" Gandalf said solemnly, with underlying meaning. I heard bilbo sigh.
"That's what I thought . Sorry Gandalf, I can't sign this. You've got the wrong hobbit" bilbo said sadly. I stopped listening after that and waited as I heard the front door open and close then the padding of feet traveling up steps.
"Hello, Bilbo Baggins " I murmured, still with my eyes closed, still lying down on the hill side.
"My gods!-" I heard bilbo yelp as I scared him, making me smirk and with hold laughter.
"Wait how did you know it was me?" He suddenly asked, seeing my resting state as I enjoyed the lullaby created by the world around me.
Instead of answering him I opened my silver eyes and turned my head towards him. He gasped as he saw my vibrant silver eyes. Thankfully, it was too dark for him to see my marking . I sat up and once again lifted my hood, shielding my marks from bilbo's keen eyes."It's a beautiful night tonight, the very essence of the land is singing-" I murmured, brushing my fingers across the grass "- do sit with me bilbo, I wish to talk"
To my surprise , he did as I asked , slowly walking towards me. We stayed in silence for a while , listening to the harmony around us. I was truthfully allowing him to be calm before I spoke , not wanting to ruin the night.
"Do you have any idea why I am here bilbo?" I asked , with my eyes once again closed as I listened to the wind as it carried the sweet song to my ears.
I could practically feel bilbos confusion , as he shifted his seat to look at me." protect the company and ...Uh hunt for them?" He replied , though it sounded more like a question. I chuckled at his nervousness , I could tell he was a knowledgeable philosopher , who was quick thinking and didn't like to be unsure of things. He wanted to be in control of everything at all times. No not bossy , just...cautious , like me in the end he followed his gut.
"Ah yes that's what Gandalf said , wasn't it. Yes , that's one side of my reasons for beings here. However no. The reason the old fool demanded me to be here was because of you, dear bilbo" I said finally opening my eyes to take in his confused features.

I am loyalty (Thorin / OC )
FanfictionI am loyalty. I am fire made flesh. I am yours. Pain.Fear.Sadness.Guilt. This is all she feels. After decades of torment , Adrianna (one of the last shifters in Middle-earth) starts to go crazy. She slaughters any Orc she finds , but never mind how...