Lesson 7

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"This has to stop." She told herself, starring unto her ceiling. She was lying on her bed but she wasn't getting ready to sleep. All night, she has been thinking of a way on how to end this ridiculous lessons. Though he was being true to his words about returning some paintings, she can't let him control her that way. So she device a plan: she might as well steal her paintings  back.  

She checked the hall first if there was no one walking by. All clear. She said to herself as she tiptoed out from her room. She took a look if the door of the room at the end of the hall is going to open any second-it didn't so she continued downstairs.

It was in the library. She thought so she went there, checking anyone at the same time. As she reached the library, she slowly pushed the lever door and went inside, peeking through the doors. The moment she opened the lights, someone spoke.

"Can't sleep?"

She swore she almost had a heart attack when she saw Logan by the window with a book lying on his lap. She placed her hand on her chest to to check if her heart is still beating. "You scared me."

"I scared you?" He asked, closing the book.

"Wha-what are you doing h-here?" She asked, placing her hand on hip.

"I'm reading a book."

"With no lights on? That's-that's really suspicious."

"I've been reading your books ever since I have access to your house library and I am saving energy." He said, remaining a calm face. "I don't want to be anyone inconvenient as I stay here. Unlike someone I know."

"Ha! You won't get to see anything."

"The light outside is pretty good for reading as long as I stay in this window." He placed the book on the table, on top of the piling books. "Now, I've stated my reason for staying in the library, what are you doing here?"

"I live here so you can't ask me what I am doing here." She answered him

"Of course. How rude of me. I thought you were going to steal your painting back and locked them back to your room so you wouldn't attend your classes again." He said, heading towards the door.

She moved away from him. "What? No. Of course not."

"Good. I'll see you in the morning."

"What if I don't want to attend anymore? What if I run away?"

He looked at her, "Pity. You've been doing great." With that, he left her.

She looked around the room but she no longer saw her paintings. He must have hidden it somewhere. Clever bastard. She might as well steal them back some other day.

"You're late." He told her. 

"Better late than never." She said this with a yawn.

He went near her, started circling around her. "Is that really the correct response when your late?"

Chrysalis rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry I was late."

"Good. Now-" He stopped behind her and pushed her shoulders back. "-you should stop with this awful posture."

"Hey! It hurts!" She screamed, wiggling but she failed to get away.

"Yes." He kicked the sides of her feet to move them closer. "These two must get closer to each other from now on." He went in front of her. "And stop looking on the ground." He said as he lift her chin up, swiftly.

"This is hurting me." She said. He ignored her complains and continued to looked at her face. She looked at him back and notice how flawless his skin is. And what's that smell? It smelled really nice, she thought. She didn't realize she has been starring at him when he laid his eyes on her. She immediately averted her away.

"You must maintain this posture from now on."

"No way. It hurts."

He took out a stick and inserted it between her arms and behind her back. "Starting from now on, you'll be using this stick and they should be inserted between your back and arms."

"All day?"

"No. Just for your lessons."

She sighed in relief. "You have weird methods."

"Weird but it works. Not only will you have a good appearance but it also benefit your mind and body." He said confidently. I read it in a book one night . Although he knows that he's trying too hard at this but a $100,000 is at stake so he made some research every night just to make him look and sound convincing that he is knowledgeable with these things. 

"It's uncomfortable."

"You'll get use to it." He said, studying her face again. Gently, he moved the hair away from her face and it revealed more of her face. He notice first were her bottled green eyes. They were quite a beauty-just like the first day they met. Her lashes were long-he also observed. They were light freckles on her tiny nose. He looked down unto her lips-curvy but dry. 

The touch caught her in surprise. They were light and gentle but it send her some tingles all over her body. It was the first time somebody touch her like that, not to mention it was from a man she really doesn't know. She continued to look away but the stares from him made her somehow nervous.

He continued to study her face until he notice the movement of her throat. Oh, she's nervous. Nobody must have touch her. He hid his smile. "Anyway," He moved his fingers away and held her hair into a ponytail. "I must see your face clearly starting this day."

"I have bad skin. I'm trying to hide them."

"Your hair is making them worse. Are you aware of that?" He told her. When she didn't respond, he let go of her hair. "And you should start combing your hair."


"It's not just a part of making you look good-it's simply hygiene. Everybody must learn to comb their hair."

She gave him a roll of her eyes but he continued. "Now, let's learn how to walk."

At the end of the day, Chrysalis was exhausted that she removed the stick and lied down on the wooden floor. "I'm exhausted."

"Good. That means, you're trying hard." He told her.

"I just want to get this over with and to get my paintings."

"Of  course." He walked pass by her and left the room. A few minutes later, he was carrying her painting. "You did very well today. Good job."

"Whatever." She said, closing her eyes.

He looked at her on the ground before sitting on the armchair, placing the painting in front of him. For the first time, he saw her painting clearly.It was a painting of a blue butterfly on a land of daisies. The strokes were soft and subtle and the blending was marvelously done well. It was beautiful. 

"Anyway, I'm going upstairs." She stood up and went towards him and he caught him starring at her painting. "You don't like it do you?"

"It's beautiful. Who would hate something beautiful?" He asked her, not taking his eyes off of her painting.

She looked down. My face is hot all of a sudden? "Are you done? I'm taking it up with me."

Finally back to his senses, he manage to give an answer. "Of course. Please do."


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