Lesson 20

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Logan was surprised to see the Sullivan's were early. 

He knocked on the door of Charles study room. "Charles?"

"Travis. Come in." He waved him to come in. 

"You're early." He said, sitting on the arm chair.

"Well, yes. Something happened at the event."

"She didn't cause trouble, didn't she?"

Charles sighed. "She did. Although there was reason behind it. I could have been furious but I felt pity for the child. "

"What did she do anyway? What happened?"

"She threw a cake on a Pierce's daughter's face."

Logan slowly nodded his head. "Someone must have angered her, I bet."

"Oh yes. Well, she insulted Chrysalis' mother and couldn't tolerate it any further. It's not her fault for reacting that way. If there's anything, I am actually at fault for this." He sighed again and looked at Logan. "By now, I know that it's really obvious that Chrysalis isn't Olivia's daughter."

Logan replied with a nod.

"Of course. You can tell already with the colors of their skin and hair. We are a people of color and Chrysalis' features are pale and hair like flames." Charles looked down and faintly said that Logan could barely hear them, "just like her mother's."

"I know it's not my place however, if I may ask sir, what happened?" he asked softly.

Charles sighed and looked up, rewinding the past events. "Olivia and I were just only married for two years. Christina was 2 years old that time and my wife was pregnant for 4 months. I was in Europe for some business negotiations and that was a rough year for me. I went to travel further-not about business anymore. I went to this pub and I saw Chrysalis' mother: Dela Roy. She was the most beautiful woman in that place and I couldn't agree more. I was enchanted by her beauty; her smile; her eyes."

"It wasn't a long affair; 2 months, to be exact. I told her I was married and I have to go back to my family. She was devastated about it and she cried in front of me and she let me go back to Olivia. I told Olivia about Dela and she too was devastated but I let her know that I chose her and our family. I love Olivia."

"Did you ever thought of Dela after?" Logan asked.

"Yes. Many times. But I never went to visit her again. Her whole family hated me for it. She died when Chrysalis was only two years old due to some serious illness in her uterus because she had some complications when giving birth. They didn't want to see me after what I did to her. " He shook his head with full regret. "I never expected we had a baby not until 17 years later, Chrysalis stood in front of our door. She was holding Dela's picture. I could already see the strong resemblance."

"H-how did Deborah and Christina take it?"

"Oh never well. Christina was clear about it but Deborah was quiet. But I know she wasn't fine with it. A child of another woman was the same age as hers. But Olivia, to my surprise, she took the child in. Olivia has always been kind, gentle and loving but she wasn't weak. She has a strong heart."

"Yes. Yes she does."

"I owe a lot to Dela and I want to make it up to her at least to Chrysalis. I know she's a wonderful child and she's going to be a beautiful woman. I want her to realize that."

"And she will."

Charles smiled. "Thank you, Travis."

"She really threw cake, huh?"

He chuckled at this. "She did." Logan joined in.

Chrysalis was on her balcony, holding the smiling picture of her mother and the only image she has of her since she has stayed here with the Sullivan's. She lost her mother too young to even remember what she really looked like, what she sound like and what she felt like. 

At times, she thought of her and the stories her gran-gran told her when her mother was young. She was an explorer, a woman with big dreams, intelligence and a compassionate person. She loved to paint flowers-that was one thing she would always repeat to Chrysalis and the talent was passed on her. Sometimes when she get scolded, her mother's name would be brought up on how she can be impulsive and not thinking of the consequences-thus bringing out the man who fathered her. It hurts at times when people would think negative things about her mother that was in an affair with a married man. She was in love and she didn't know. 

"I knew I'd find you here." Logan said from his balcony.

Chrysalis looked up and she gave a smile. "Hi."

"Hi." He said, returning a smile. "Care to tell me anything?"

Her smile was gone when she thought what just happened that day. "You probably knew right?"

"What? You threw a cake on a nobleman's daughter? Yeah. I heard from Charles." Logan said. Chrysalis groaned at this. "What happened?"

"She insulted me and my mother. I couldn't stand it when someone insults her. They don't know her." She said, her hand turned to a fist. 

"I'm sure they don't know her. Most people make prejudice on others."

"You're not mad about it?"

"Why would I be? Although, what you did might not be the best action but then, it's you we are talking about. How were you doing?"

Chrysalis' grinned. "I had a marvelous time. I ate delicious pastries."

"Not important."

"Oh, well, I talked to a lot of people-important people, I may add. Some of them ignored me yet  some of them were really nice. I met Mrs. Davis, Olivia's uncle's wife and she got interested in me that she remembered my name. Father said it's a good thing."

Logan nodded. "That's good."

"Yeah and I met some friends there. Her name was Beatrice Windsor-I think she was adorable. "


"The other one was a young man there. He was pretty attractive and he thought I was pretty." She gave a little giggle. "His name is Kit Baron. He was a really nice man and he even-"

"I'm tired. Prepare yourself tomorrow. We're having lessons." He said in a serious tone and left his balcony.

Chrysalis wondered the sudden change of mood.  "We don't have lessons tomorrow. What's up with him?" 

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