Lesson 13

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It was a Sunday morning.  The sunlight fell through the thick wall of trees,  its warmth filling up the spaces between the leaves. The grass, gleamed with remains of the morning dew. Thin clouds that looks like wisps stood up in the fresh morning sky-colored with an orange and yellow tone and into a pale blue.

Chrysalis stood from her balcony, smelled the fresh morning air and smiled as the cool wind blew softly on her face. The sound of birds made her sigh as she let her right hand carry her head, her elbow leaning on the ledge as she watched the sky awaken. She was no morning person but , she woke up quite early and saw the sun rising up as if calling her to do the same. She didn't regret doing so.

Maybe I should do this more often. Chrysalis thought, as the sky finally turned to its blue sky, the clouds more formed and thick. She closed her eyes, feeling everything around her. What an odd feeling. I feel so light, cheery and-well, inspired. Feelings she usually feel whenever an idea came to mind before the adrenaline rush would came to her, controlling her hand, picking colors after colors, blending them and then letting the brush smoothly make its way to the canvas, doing strokes after strokes. 

What an odd feeling indeed. There was no idea coming to mind however, she just found herself ridiculously smiling for the  past few days. So weird.

"You know, you could just go back to bed and sleep again." someone said with a hint of amusement. Chrysalis opened her eyes, startled and looked at the man at the other balcony, 6 feet away from her. He was smiling, leaning on the ledge, looking at her. 

She felt her heart beat skip one when he saw him. "You're early." She said.

"I'm always early. You, on the other hand-you're early."

"I just feel like it." 

"Oh. Well, the air is good during the mornings."

"Yeah. It does." She replied and he smiled at her again. She didn't smile back though. She got flustered and left the balcony. 

"What the-" Logan said however, he just shook his head lightly and left the balcony as well.

God, why did I do that? That was so weak! Chrysalis thought, feeling her warm cheeks with her hands. 

"Are you sure you won't be coming with us to Church?" Olivia asked, as she slipped her hands into her lace gloves. 

"I'll just go with my uncle." Logan assured her with a smile.

"Maybe you should invite your uncle with us. Dinner perhaps?"

Logan nodded. "That'll be delightful. I'll tell him." 

"Good. Deborah! Christina! Chrysalis, dear! Let's go now!" She called before she left. 

He watched them leave the house before he also left and went to his so-called uncle.

"Disaster." Logan exasperated, sitting on the sofa in  Marcus' trailer.

"Oh come on. You're clearly exaggerating." Marcus chuckled, amused at the unusual words Logan just said. He began to pour the bottle of scotch to the two glasses, knowing his friend need it.

"Well, yes but it's close. Actually, no. Not really. Mr and Mrs. Sullivan are complete nice people but the girls. The girls-they can make me lose this job. And don't get me started at the eldest's fiance'. I'm telling you, it's not getting easy day by day."

"No job is really easy. I wouldn't say it would be disastrous. As long as the pay's good." Marcus handed him some glass of scotch.

"That's the other thing," He took a drink first, letting the good scotch calmed his mind first before letting it out, "I only got a third of the payment."

"What? But, shouldn't you be receiving at least half of it now, that you are almost staying there for a month?"

"That's what I've been saying. I haven't got paid for almost three weeks now."

"Is the family experiencing financial problems?" Marcus asked, this time seating across him.

"I guess they are. Servants has been leaving the house for the past few months. Olivia did mention their cook left them a few months back and the gardener has been seen 2 weeks ago. Charles has been working so hard in this certain investment and it seems it's not going so well."

"There you go. Business ain't going good, my friend."

"But why now? I know that their car business has been going good for 10 years now. And I mean, really good." Logan thought.

"It happens, Logan. Sometimes, business go down when they reach 10 years. If they got lucky, 15 years."

"I know business. Well, I have been reading them. And it seems all fast. Charles...Charles sound desperate about the partnership." Logan deeply thought.

"Woah, woah, woah. Hold there buddy. I know you're doing the family a favor but meddling into their affairs? That's beyond anything, Logan."

"I'm not meddling into anything. I just want to know why so, I can demand my money right away. I have to confront them about it. Knowing the reason so I can make a deal with them. That why, I won't leave with nothing." 

Marcus nodded at this. "'Well, kid. You got some business skills in you."

"It's my job. A con artist must be smart. Anyway, I'm leaving." Logan drank the last of his scotch before heading towards the door.


He stopped at the call of his name. "What?"

"I hope it's really just work, Logan." Marcus said, without looking at him.

"It always has." He replied before leaving Marcus and his trailer.

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