Lesson 14

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"I have an announcement to make." Charles beamed as he stood at the end of the dining table. Everyone looked at him-including Logan, wondering about the news that made the head of the family, excited.

"Well, it seems exciting judging from your face. What is it dear?" Olivia asked.

"I met David Fords just this afternoon. You remember David Fords?"

Christina gasped. "The founder of the Golden Foods Corporation? James and Claudette's father?"

"That is right. Their family has been close to us for years and this year, they are one of the main sponsors for the Polocrosse Charity. David personally invited us to go to this charity."

"Oh dear." Olivia placed her hand on her chest, calming her excitement.

"What's the big deal anyway?" Chrysalis. "We aren't horse enthusiasts."

"That's where you are wrong, my dear Chrysalis. I owned a horse named Beauty in my younger days. Such a beautiful black horse, I remember."

Christina joined. "If you aren't so stupid enough, you would get that that charity would be full of wealthy families. Think of it as the Pre-Social. You get to meet your future husband."

"What?" Chrysalis was shocked and looked at Deborah, who remained reserve was clearly surprise about it.

"Now, ladies. Christina is right. You get to meet important people there and well, meet potential grooms and brides at the charity. Christina didn't had these things-only by dinners and parties held by those people so consider yourself lucky."

"Lucky? Why is that?" Chrysalis asked.

"Think of it as some sort of gambling. The more chips, the more chances of winning. It'll be a huge charity event. Prominent figures would be coming to join."

"Christina is right again. That is why this is such a golden opportunity. We shall never miss this."

The rest of the dinner was conversed about the charity. Logan eagerly listened to their stories when he notice Chrysalis was quiet-melancholy quiet.

"Charles?" Logan peeked at the door of Charles' office.

"Oh, Travis. Come in. Come in." He waved at him to come inside. "I would like to discuss to you about something."

"Me, too, Charles."

Charles looked at him before he sat on his executive chair, placing his hands on the desk, preparing himself to listen. "This seems like something important, Travis."

"Well, to me though. Anyway, I would like to get to the point. I know when I'm doing a good job or not, Charles and I expect to get rewarded when I give good results. So far, I haven't been compensated for weeks now." Logan paused, to give Charles to respond but he remained quiet and so he continued, "I know you and your family are good people. I don't think you would make false promises to others. No, I don't think at all. However, if you are experiencing some problems in paying me for my good service, just let me know. I would stop the lessons tomorrow and leave without demanding any money anymore."

"No please. Please don't." Charles pleaded. "I understand that we haven't really rewarded you for your excellent service. I know that and yes, we may be dealing with some financial issues for now but, we have a good deal with this partnership. This Friday would be the signing of papers-" He began to coughed heavily.

"Are you okay, Charles?"

He continued to cough as he waved at him. He went to one of his cabinets and drank some medicine. This calm him down. He was sweating. "As I was saying, this might give us some delay in your payment however, we could always make an arrangement. I'm just...just knowing that we got invited to attend this charity would be a big step for my two daughters. They might meet some good man in the event. Looking at Chrysalis now...she's going to need you more than ever." He looked at Logan.

Logan sighed. "Okay. I guess we could make some arrangements."

Charles smiled at this, relieved. "Speaking of the charity, we have to prepare Chrysalis to this event. At least, she has to make an impression."

He nodded for a reply. "Yes. She has done well in her lessons. She'll do great."

"I know. Thank you for it but what I mean is, to make her presentable this time."

"Giving her a makeover?"

Charles nodded. "You've worked with wealthy and royalty, you'd know how to make her look like one."

"I'll see what I can do, Charles."

Leaving the study room, he already lost himself in his thoughts. What was I thinking?! Accepting his arrangements? Now, I have to continue this?! Stupid!

"Thinking of stealing jewels?" Leo said as Logan passed by him. Logan was startled at his presence. 

"I missed you at dinner. Sneaking is quite sly of you, Leo."

"Oh please. You'd tell me more about sneaking and being sly. I'm sure you'd know more of it than I do." Logan only exhaled as his response and proceed to walk away from him but Leonardo grabbed his shirt. "Don't you dare walk away from me."

It took an amount of patience to just jerk his hand away from him however, he remained calmed about it. "I apologize for it then if I hurt your feelings by walking away but I don't listen to nonsense. Now, excuse me, it's been a long day."

"Keep that act while you can but I will know who you really are. And when I do, prepare yourself. It is going to be messy." Leo warned him but Logan left him. "Mark my words." 

I think it's really a good time to leave. Logan was deep in his thought that he didn't notice he was about to crash on Chrysalis. 

"You must be too deep in your thoughts that you didn't see anyone." She told him.

"I'm sorry. I was just-thinking. Are you hurt?" He asked, wiping a sweat on his temple.

"You could have but you didn't so-" She gave a giggle and stopped the moment she realized it. "I mean, I'm fine." 

Logan nodded. "Okay. Good night."

"Are you okay?" She asked. When he gave her a confused look, she quickly explained. "I mean, you're thinking so deeply so maybe you are bothered about something."

He gave her a light scoffed. "I'm fine. Now get to your room. We have lots of things to do tomorrow." He then passed by her.

"You know, it would never hurt if you'd open up about it." Chrysalis told him. He paused at this, feeling the weight on his chest when he heard it.  "It relieves the heart, they said."

 "Good night, Chrysalis."He offered her a little smile before entering his room.Chrysalis was left in the hallways, thinking about the face Logan made when he was deep in thought. It was the first time she saw that expression: anxiousness.

Later that night, Logan thought of Chrysalis question. I can't. If I will be open about it, I don't think it will relieve anything. It'll make things worse. 

He closed his eyes and let the matter die away.

For now.

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