Chap. #1 💋

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Justin's pov:

"Justin, son, come up here please." My dad yells from upstairs.

I get out of bed and walk upstairs. Yes my room is in the basement, and I like it. I open the door and see my dad at the kitchen table. I sit acorss from him.

"Hey dad whats up?"

"Well, Justin I've been keeping this from you, but I've recently been dating someone."

"O-oh really?" I was not expecting that. My mom passed away in a car accident when I was 5.

"Yes. And she lives in Maryland. We met on a dating app."

"Oh well that's great dad."

"Really? You're not mad."

"No I'm not mad. You haven't had someone to love except me for a while now. You deserve to be happy."

"Aww Justin you're the best."

He gets up and so do I. He hugs me and kisses my head.

"One more thing?" He asks.


We pull away and I look at him.

"We are moving to Maryland." He says sounding happy.

"Wow really?"

"Yea! Do you care?"

"No actually I think it will be a good new start for me you know."

"Aww Jay I couldn't ask for a better son than you. We leave in 3 days. Start packing please."


He hands me 3 big folded boxes. I go back downstairs and open them up. First I take pretty much all of my clothes, fold them, and put them in one of the boxes. Wow, I have a lot of shit in my room. This should be fun.

My name is Justin Blake. I live in Minesotta at the moment but as you heard, I'm moving to Maryland. My mom died when I was 5 in a brutal car accident, it was becuase of a dunk driver. I miss her more than anything. Even if she didn't support me all the way.
I'm female to male transgender. I started to transition about 3 years ago. I'm 17 now. I'm on T and I have no surgeries. My dad says we can't afford it at the moment. My dad supports me the most. I think of my dad almost like my best friend. I can talk to him about anything. I mean, anything. I'm homeschooled, I'm not sure though, once I move to Maryland. I'm gay and I'm not ashamed of it. I like boys and I'm proud of who I am.
Since I'm homeschooled, I have no friends. Yes that's right, I have not one friend. It's sad, but I talk to people online a lot. I'm very shy.

I finished packing 2 out of the 3 boxes. I'm exhausted. It's 11:30 on a Saturday night and I'm tired. Wow.
My eyelids get heavy and I fall asleep.

"I love you Justin."

"I love you too baby."

He's amazing. Big brown eyes, long brown hair, he's tall. He treats me like a prince. He cares for me and always knows when something is bothering me.


My body shoots up in shock. I see the time is 2 in the morning. What? That was a dream? Another dream? Ugh. I look around and see it was a dream. I keep having them. About a boy with brown eyes and hair. He's so visual on my dream like he's a real person. He's so adorable.

The next morning I wake up and get out of bed. I take a quick shower and go upstairs. I see my dad at the table.

"Goodmorning son."

"Morning dad. I had another dream."

"About the boy?"

"Yea. They won't stop."

"Hmm. I don't know." He shrugs.

I sit down the table. "Do you want Taco Bell?" He asks.

I nod in excitement. "Here it's on me today. Just get me 3 beef tacos please"

"Thanks dad see you soon."

I get my keys and go out to my car. I drive to Taco bell and go inside. I order mine and my dad's food. I pay and drive back home. I go in the house and back to the kitchen. My dad was in the same spot. I sit down and take the tacos out.

"Thanks for paying." I say.

"Thanks for going." He says and laughs a little.

We eat and talk a little doing so. It was so good. Taco bell is my favorite place ever!

I know I know, it's a short chapter. They will get longer and more interesting I promise. Comment and vote plz😗 see ya soon!
¡Samantha Sarno¡

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