Chap. #26 😡

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Justins pov:
(It's Friday)

I woke up and saw Rae still alseep on my chest. I tangled my fingers in his hair a little to try and wake him up. He groaned and stuck his face in my chest.

"Come on. We have school." I say.

"Nooooo." He whines.

"It's Friday. And the fireworks are tonight for 4th of July."

"Oh yea I forgot. Ok." He got up and off my bed. I got up also and stretched. I went over to him and grabbed his face so it was in front of mine.

I studied his face. His two slightly swollen eyes, black and blue under both. His busted lip. Scratched, little ones, surrounded his face.

"What?" He asked me.

"I'm just looking what that asshole really did to you." I said keeping my cool. I rubbed my thumb on his cheek.

"I'm sorry."

"I told you, it's not you're fault babe." He smiled.

I nodded slightly. "Oh, and if you see him today, ignore him."

"No way. He's not-"

"I said ignore him. I'm going to talk to him again if I see him. I dont need you getting into anymore fights. So you will not touch him. Got it?" He sighed at my words.


I smiled at him and gave him a kiss. He was going to wear the same clothes as yestday, becuase they aren't dirty and they weren't bad. I put some new fresh clothes on. He dusted himself off and we went downstairs.

We are in the car driving to school. He was looking out the window in the passenger seat.

"Do you want to go visit your mom after school?"

"Sure. If you don't mind driving."

"Of course not." I tell him. I grab his hand and we interlock out fingers together. I'm used to driving with one hand, so I didn't move.

We got to school and went inside hand in hand. As we walked in, a few kids stared at Raegan. We kept going and got to my locker. More kids went by and just either laughed or started like he wasn't a human.

"Do you need something? What's wrong huh?" I ask the group of kids walking by who were staring.

They kept walking, faster now. And they stopped staring. I turned back to my locker and slammed it shut.

"Hey take a load off. Don't pay attention to them." He said hitting my shoulder lightly.

"They just bother me. Fucking annoying." I lean my back against the lockers.

The bell rings and Rae takes my hand.  He kisses me and we go to class. On our way, there are papers everywhere on the walls about the fireworks tonight. I'm exited. I like the thought of me and Rae, together. Staring up at the sky watching the fireworks. 4th of July is a nice holiday. Especially if you have someone who loves you with you by your side.

Raegan and I were heading to lunch, hand in hand. We were about to turn the corner to the hall where the lunch room was, until we were stopped. Derek stood in front of us. Staring at us and going down to look at our hands. He looked back up and looked at me.

"Stop staring at MY boyfriend." Rae said.

"Stop talking you ugly ass." He said.

Rae wanted to get closer but I pushed him back. I stood in front of him. Derek looked down at me.

"I can't believe this dumbass school didn't suspend you. You shouldn't have gotten away with what you did."

"You're right I shouldn't of. But who cares. He deserved it." He said now looking at Rae.

"No he did not! He did nothing to you! You were just being the big asshole you always are and wanted to pick a fight. For what? FOR WHAT? I understand you like me, but get over it. You don't have a single chance, especially not now." I raise my voice.

I turn around and see Raegan death staring him. I grab his hand and start walking past Derek.

"Hey Justin?" He yells. I turn around still holding Raegan's hand.

"What's going to happen when your two parents get married. Then you two will be brothers." He smirked. What the fuck is wrong with him!?

"How did you know that?" I ask coming back to him.

"I just do."

"How dare you bring that up." I walk up to him so i'm very close now. "You've got a lot of balls."

I raise my hand next to my head and connect my palm with his face. I hit his face so hard, his head went to the side and he already had a big red mark on his face. I felt arms on my waist from behind.

"Okay Justin that's enough. He's not worth your time." He said.

He pulled me away from him by my waist.

"You'll regret everything Derek. I'll make you pay if it's the last thing I do!" I yell at him.

Rae pulls me away from going up to him and slapping the shit out of his face again.

"I hate you Derek! I fucking hate you."  I yell again as Raegan pulls me through the hall to the lunch room. We get in and I get away from his grip.

I start crying out of nowhere. He makes me so aggregated. I cover my face in my hands and sob. Rae sees and takes my hand. We go to the bathroom and he sits down in front of the window. He sits me on his lap. I wrap my arms around his neck and cry in his shoulder.

"Shh your okay baby, don't think of him." He whispers to me.

5 minutes past and I've stopped crying. I was about to fall alseep on him as he was holding my waist. I was so comfortable.

"You okay now?" He asked.

"Mhm." I got off his lap and we both stood up. I yawned and rubbed my eyes.

I looked in the mirror and my face was going back to its original color. It's not so red anymore. Rae came up behind me and kissed my neck.

"Don't worry about him. He just loves to mess around with us. Tonight I'm going to take you out to dinner and we can watch the fireworks from my roof. We will have a good night I promise." He said looking at me through the mirror.

I turned around and hugged his waist.



Ahh I just had to add the last two lines. Stranger Things anyone, Mike and eleven? 😂😍 Mileven and Jaegan, it's perfect 😩 plz comment and vote if you enjoyed 😊😙
¡Samantha Sarno¡

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