Chap. #17 😝

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Justin's pov:

I woke up in a pool of sweat. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I got up and went in the bathroom. My face, red as ever. My eyes, bloodshot red and puffy. My mind, confused and upset. I want this to be a dream. Is it a dream. No. This is reality. Reality sucks ass right now.

I walked into school, i'm miserable. Raegan didn't even have the nerve to text me? Call me? Nothing!? Did he really cheat? Does he not love me anymore?

I close my locker once I'm done and lean my back against it. The bell rings and I sigh. Time for hell to begin.

I was walking to my class when someone pulled my arm to the side. It was Rae. It wasn't the arm I cut.

"Justin? Oh my god baby I-"

"What makes you think you can just come up to me and still call me baby after what you did yestarday. I'm discusted with you Raegan I never want to see you again. I loved you how could you? Leave me alone." I say on the verge of tears.

"Justin what did I do? I don't remember anything." He explained.

"Wow. That's such bullshit. You're a lying cheater."  I say walking away.

"Justin I love you. Can I explain-"

I turned around quick and cut him off. "Explain what? That you cheated on me right in front of my face. That you broke my heart? That you made me-" I cut myself off. It was not his business.

Nothing is his business anymore. I've lost all trust in him.

"Justin I didn't chest on you. O-or I don't remember. Please let me-"

"No! Leave me alone I hate you Raegan. Your lies are such bullshit." I say turning and walking down the hall as fast as I can.

I held back my tears as I walked fast to first period. What he said made me think though. He doesn't remember? Wtf does that mean? He had a full on makeout session with her. And he knew I saw. Does he actually not remember?

It was lunch time. I usually don't lunch because I eat when I get home. So I went outside and sit against a tree on the grass. Not the one me and Raegan have been leaning against either.

I don't want to break up with him. But he did chest. I'm just confused. I love him so much. He says he loves me but does he?

"Justin?" I look up and see him standing there.

He sits in front of me as I look at him in disappointment.

"I loved you Raegan. I still do. But I think I'm done. I didn't get in a relationship with you so I can get my heart broken." I say.

"How did I break your heart? Jay I love you too!"

"Do you Raegan? Do you?"

"Yes! Justin what did I do? I honestly don't know."


He looked so confused. He looked at me with sorrow. A lot of people were staring but I didn't care. I just started at him. I was upset with him. I want him out of my life if he's going to be a lying piece of shit.

I started crying. I got up and so did he quick. I ran past him but he grabbed my arm tight.

"O-oww!" I squeal in pain.

"Why did that hurt?" He asked concerned.

"Why do you give a fuck? Didn't seem like it when you were sucking jess's face of yestarday." I cried harder and pulled away.

I ran back inside holding my arm in pain. I ran in the bathroom. I sat on the ground and cried. Is he lying? Or does he really not fucking remember? Raegan doesn't lie though. I don't know who to believe!?

The last bell rang and I practically ran to my locker.  I put some shit away and closed it. I saw Rae running up to me. I turned so my back was against him.

"Baby please I love you so much! Let me talk to you please!"

"You want to talk to me? You want to call me baby like everything is fucking rainbows and unicorns when you know damn well you cheated. You don't get it do you? I don't want to see your fucking face ever again! I'm not here to be used Raegan!"

He was about to speak again but stopped himself.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Or maybe I won't. But you won't care so it doesn't matter." I say.

"I do care. Let me explain!" He yells.

"I don't need an explanation. I saw what I saw, thank you very much."

I walked forward away from him. I heard him say,

"I'm not giving up on you Jay I love you more than anything."

Why is that to hard to believe?

Oooo drama!! Why is Rae saying he doesn't remember? Pls comment and vote 😩💕 My update tomorrow will be up a late. I have plans.
¡Samantha Sarno¡

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