Chap. #16 😯

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Justin's pov:

School today, and it's Monday. Ugh. I just wanna spend the day with my baby again. He makes me so happy.

I walk into school and go through the crowded halls. I get to my locker and open it. I grab my few books and close it. I look around and don't see Rae anywhere. He usually comes to see me in the morning. Huh? He didn't even text me this morning.

I shrugged it off not worrying. I went to my first class not worrying about it.

It was the class before lunch and I still haven't seen Rae so day. I text him too but no answer. He didn't even read it. Now I'm worried.

I walked into class and saw there was a substitute teacher. Cool I guess. I sat down and she started to take attendance. She went though a few names and it was getting closer to me.


"Here" He yelled.

"Ok umm abby?"

Oh fuck. No. Please.

"Abby Blake?" She asked.

I raised my hand slowly, shaking, wanting to cry.

"I-its Justin." I said.

I heard people in the class laughing. She looked at her paper again and looked confused.

"This says Abby." She says.

"Yes I know. But-"

I didn't even finish before I picked up my bag and got up. I ran out of the room. I walk away from the classroom, taking deep breaths. A tear fell but I quickly wipped it away. Fuck that I'm not going to that class today. I texted Rae again seeing if he would answer. But nope.

I started to walk around the halls. I turned a corner and saw two kids making out. Ok. Wait. I got a little closer it was....Jess and RAEGAN? What? He has her pushed against the lockers sucking her face off. She was not forcing him, he wants it.

"Raegan?" I say covering my mouth so I don't cry.

They pull away and look at me. She smirks and pulls him in again and he goes with it. He gave no expression when he looked at me. I run away crying now. I go to my locker quick and open it. I put my books away. I'm going home, I'm done. I slam my locker in anger and sadness.

"That cheating fuck, I never want to see him again." I say to myself.

I run out of the building and into my car. I try to stop crying so I can drive but there is no use. I start driving carefully with tears sliding down my face. I finally get home and my dad is home? Great. I walk in and see him on the couch. He sees me crying and gets up quick. He looks so concerned. I drop my bag and hug him.

"Justin what happened?" He asked.

"I hate him dad, I fucking hate him." I can't stop crying. My heart is broken.

My dad didn't care that I swore. He knew I was upset so he didn't really say anything.

"Shh. What did he do?"

"I-i saw him kissing his ex grlfriend. Dad he even looked at me and gave me no expression and then went back to kissing her. He doesn't love me. What did I do wrong?" I cry harder now.

"Oh son I'm sure it's a misunderstanding. He would never."

"He did. I saw it. I never want to see him again."

"Talk to him i'm sure he wasn't-"

"Go. Marry Melissa I don't care anymore." I say. His eyes go wide and I run upstairs. I slam my door and pull my hair balling my eyes out.

I start kicking and throwing shit around my room.

"I fucking hate you!" I scream and go into my bathroom.

(Warning! Big warning!)
I shut the door and get my blade from under my sink. I sit against the bathtub and don't hesitate. I slide the blade across my skin multiple times. Blood everywhere now as I am still crying.

My head shoots up as my bathroom door swing open. I see my dad there, staring at me. He runs up to me and gets the blade out of my hand.

"Justin stop what are you doing."

"What am I doing? What does it look like?" I scream.

"Justin please." He rubs his thumb acorss my cheek. He grabs a towel and wraps its around my arm trying to stop the blood.

"Dad just leave me alone. I want to die!" I say.

"Stop Jay. I know for a fact that Rae would never cheat on you. Talk to him."

"No I'm not talking to him. I never want to see that cheating piece of shit ever again. I saw him dad. I saw him kissing her. I'm fucking done." I say.

I've stopped crying now. My body is done. There was pain in my arm but it didn't affect me. I stared into space as my dad is now wrapping my arm with a bandage wrap.

"Come on." He helps me up and brings me to my bed.

"Please Justin don't hurt yourself again. Get some sleep okay?"

I nod and he kisses my forehead. He leaves the room and my eyes get heavy. I close them not wanting them to ever open again.

Woah this one is a doosey 😂😂 Is Rae really cheating? Huh idk 😂🤷 plz comment and vote. Ill try to update again tonight but if not tomorrow 😆
¡Samantha Sarno¡

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