Chap. #2 🌈

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Justin's pov:

It was now the day of the move. Yestarday all me and my dad did was pack most of the house and put a lot of stuff in the moving truck.

"Justin we need to leave for the airport." My dad yells.

"Ok coming!"

I run upstairs with one of my bags i'm taking on the plane. Like my phone, laptop, headphones, and chargers.


"*deep breath* Yes." I smile.

He walks out of the house and I take one more look. "Bye house." I smile a little.

This was my childhood house. I'm going to miss it. I go outside and get in my dad's car. We drive to the airport.

We sit until we hear "Flight 22 to Maryland boarding now." I smiled at my dad as we walked to get on the plane.

We get off the plane and get our bags off the baggage claim thing. We put them in our car and drive to the house.

We pull up and I get out. I look at our new house. Wow it's beautiful and really big. I help my dad take our bags in. When you walk in is really nice.

"Go up to your room and unpack as much as you can. Our stuff is coming. tonight."


I take my bags upstairs. Woah my room is so big. And I have a walk in closet. Yay! I open my closet and take my bag that has a few outfits. My other boxes coming tonight have more of my clothes. I hang up a few outfits I have and get my phone. No notifications of course.

I walk downsrairs and see my dad unpacking some things.

"Jay so you mind if we go somewhere to talk?"

"About what?" I ask.

"Something important."

"Umm okay. Let's go find a taco bell?"

"*laughs* sure."

We get back in the car and drive around. Our surroundings looked really nice. We found a Taco Bell and went inside. We got some food and sat down.

"So?" I ask taking a bite of my taco.

"Umm Justin have you ever of going to school again?" He asks.

"Not really why?"

"Because I kind of already enrolled you in a high school nearby." He said.

I choked my drink and it almost came out my nose. I kept coughing as I looked at my dad, him giving me a little smile.

"Uhh woah wasn't expecting that." I said patting my chest.

"Will you give it a try?"

I take a deep breath. "Sure. Why not."

"Oh my god Justin that's so happy to hear. I'm sure you'll like it and make friends."

"Probably not. I'm really shy dad."

"I know but you'll get through it I promise. You go tomorrow." He said.


We continue eating and talking. But my mind was all on going to school. What if I make no friends. Why if I get bullied? I have bad pannic attacks sometimes.

We finish and go back home. A few minutes later the truck showed up. Time to make this house into my new home.

The next morning I wake up in my comfortable bed. We moved everything in last night. Ugh I'm so tired. And nervous for school. I get up and shower. I get ready and go downstairs.


"I think so." I say hitting my sides with my arms.


"Nope. Too nervous."

"You'll be fine."

He kisses my head and hands me my bag. "Text me." He says.

"I will."

I go out and get in my car. He gave me the directions to the school. I start driving and arrive maybe 8 minutes later. I get out and take a deep breath. I go inside and try to find the office. I keep my head down a little. The kids were so much taller then me.

I keep walking and accidentally bump into someone.

"O-oh I'm sorry." I say quietly keeping head down.

"It's fine I guess." He says.

"W-where is the office?" I ask.

"Keep going it's on the right."

I look at him quick and back down.

"Thank you."

I walk away quick and find the office. Ugh I'm so awkward. I barely even see his face. walk in and go to the desk.

"H-hi I'm new." I say.

"Oh ok. Justin Blake?" She asks flipping through papers.

I nod. "Ok here is your schedule." She says.

"Thank you." I grab it and walk out.

I find my locker and put my combination in. I take some stuff out and put them in. Then I look at my schedule again. I walk through the halls filled of people and finally get to my first class. I walk in and sit in the back. I then see other people coming in. A boy comes in and sits next to me. I don't pay attention to him I go on my phone.

"Hey are you the kid thay bumped into me this morning?" He asks.

I look at him. "Yea." I saw quietly.

I take a good look at his face for a second. Wait. He looks familiar. Why? I couldn't think of it. Oh shit! He's the exact kid from all my dreams.

This chapter had a lot of little time skips sorry. Anyway hope you enjoyed! Plz comment and vote
¡Samantha Sarno¡

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