Chap. #15 💕

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Justin's pov:

Sunday morning. Waking up feeling amazing. The sun is shining. It's going to be a good day.

I get out of bed and shower. I get out and put some clothes on. Then I get my phone. It's 11 o'clock. I also saw a text.

Babeh🙊💕: I wanna take you somewhere today.

Me: Where?

Babeh🙊💕: Not telling. I'm coming to pick you up in 10 😘

Me: Okay 😂❤

I went downstairs and ate some breakfast. My dad walked in as I was eating a poptart.

"Morning Justin."

"Goodmorning dad."

"Any plans today?" He asks.

"Rae is taking me somewhere." I said.

"Cool have fun."

"Thanks. Any plans for you?"

"I'm taking Melissa to the beach for a little." He said.

"That's nice. Have fun."

"Thanks." He laughs a little.

I hear a horn from a car. "Better get going." My dad says.

"Yea. See you after."

"Okay bye."

I go out to Rae's car and close the door. I lean over and kiss him.

"Where are we going baby?"

"It's a surprise. Just sit tight." He said patting my knee.

"I don't like surprises." I whine.

"Well you love me so you'll deal with it."

"Fine." I say.

He backs out of my driveway and starts driving. I look out the side window pretty much the whole time. My attention was turned to the road when it got darker. Rae went down a road in the woods.

"Are you planning on killing me today?" I laugh.

"No, never." He laughs back.

We drive down the street for what seems like 5-10 minutes then he stops the car. I look around. Wow. Rae gets out of the car and opens my door. He grabs my hand and I get out of the car. He interlocks our fingers and kisses me. I kiss back and smile.

He starts walking forward and I follow him. As we walk, a view of a big waterfall and water below it came into sight. Rae smiled at me and brought me closer. There was light green grass leading to the water. We took our shoes and socks off and put our feet in the water. It was really cold. I looked up and watched as the water was pouring down into the large stream.

"This is beautiful babe. How did you find it?" I ask.

"I've been here many times before, not with anything though." He smiled.

"I love it."

"Want to go swim?" He asked.

"I don't have swim shorts." I say.

"Don't sorry, just swim in your boxers and binder?" He said.


"Come on please." He pleased.

I have him a look with a smirk. I stripped and just had my binder and boxers on. He did the same just obviously just his boxers. He takes my hand and we go into the water.

"Rae it's freezing." I say.

He went all the way in and then looked back at me. He came over and picked me up.

"Nooo stop!" I laugh.

He goes deeper into the water and he goes underwater with me in his arms. He stands back up and I get off of him. I pretend to be mad and turn around. Holy shit I'm shivering. He gently wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer.

"I love you." He said.

"Hmm." I hum still pretending to be mad.

"You don't love me?" He sounds sad.

"Nope." I grin.

"Wow, Okay."

He lets go of my waist and swims closer to the waterfall.

"Wait!" I yell at him. I swim to him and hug his waist.

"I love you too baby."

"I know."

I look up at him and hit his cheek lightly. He opens his mouth and starts to tickle me.

"N-no stop! Stop Rae!" I laugh as he continues.

He finally stops and I catch my breath. He puts me over his shoulder and walks out of the water. He sets me down and kisses my head.

"I have a little picnic. Be right back." He said.

I nod and he walks to the car. I turn around and stare at the beautiful water. Then I hear a splash and in the water. I get a little closer and look around. I hear it again. I got scared and ran to Rae. I got to the car and jumped on him.

"I heard something in the water." I say. I now realize in shaking.

"I'm sure it's nothing babe. Come, let's to back." He says and takes my hand once again.

He has a little picnic basket in the other hand. Aw he's so cute. We get back to the spot and he goes and checks out the water. A little after I see him looking around, a frog jumps out of the water and scares Rae. I start laughing my was off falling on the grass clenching my stomach.

"Justiiiiin!" He whines.

"Oh my god. O-oh did you see your face. That was-" I couldn't even finish before I started laughing again.

Through my watery eyes, I see Rae walking towards me. He gets on my lap and pushes me back. He lays on top of me, not putting all his weight on me though. He starts kissing me and I kiss back. Now I completely stopped laughing and enjoyed this. The kiss gets sloppy as his hands glide down my body, up and down. I could tell he was horny. Really horny.

"Not here Rae." I say pulling away from the kiss.

"Why not. I would love to just fuck your ass right-"

"Raegan!" I raise my voice laughing. "Stop. Let's eat."

He gets off of me and groans. We grab our sandwiches me made and started eating. As we were eating I took a good look around. Trees, the greenest i'v ever seen. The grass same as well. Bushes in certain places, making the scene more amazing.

After being there for a few hours, he took me home. We both got out of the car and he smiled at me. Oh that smile.

"I had to much fun today. Thank you." I say.

"Anything for you love. Glad you had fun." I blushed at that.

"I love you so much. I'll see you tomorrow. I say.

"I love you more. See you tomorrow baby."

He gives me a long kiss, putting his hands on my back. I smile and rub his jaw. We pull away and he removes his hands.

"Bye." He said and walked to his car. I give him a little wave before he drives off. When he's out of sight, I don't move.

I love this kid. What if our parents get married? He's my brother. I don't want that. I'll never find love again if Rae becomes my brother. Damn.

So sorry this is really late. Hope you enjoyed tho ❤ ilyg plz comment and vote 😆
¡Samantha Sarno¡

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