Chap. #24 😦

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Justin's pov:

I step foot in school and went to my locker. Rae didn't text me this morning. I texted him but he didn't answer. I shrugged it off and closed my locker.

I'm on my way to my first period class when I see a big croud of people. It sounds like they are chanting "Fight!" Oh shit. I go up to it and squeeze through the kids as fast as I can. I get in front and see Derek? On top of Raegan, punching his face repeatly. He so weak at this point it looks like he can't even fight back. Wtf!?

"Get off of him!" I yell at Derek. He doesn't listen. He keeps going. My baby's face is all cut up, with bruises, and he's bleeding everywhere.

"Derek I'm serious. Get the fuck off of him!" I yell and push him off of Raegan as hard as I can. These kids are still cheering. Holy shit.

"What is wrong with you!?" I scream, standing over him.

"You're insane!" I see the principle come over with security and get derek. He tries to get out of their grip but they drag him away. I look back at all the kids.

"Shows over!" They all look at each other and walk away fast.

I get on the ground and hold his face so he looks at me.

"Raegan? Baby can you hear me?" I move his hair out of his face. Did he pass out? I can't tell, his eyes are so swollen.

"Rae say something please!" His whole face is bleeding. My eyes fill with tears, I feel horrible.

"J-justin?" I hear him say as faintly as possible.

"Yes baby I'm here, you're okay."

"I can't b-breathe good." He said. I got into pannic. My heart is beating a million miles an hour.

"Ok. Ok can you stand up for me?" He shakes his head. He starts coughing.

"Please try for me." I said as I took his arm and put it around my shoulder. He got half way up but fell again.

"Fuck my leg." He groans. I don't hesitate to roll up his sweatpants. There is a big gash on his calf. What the fuck did Derek do? He's crazy.

"Baby your leg!" I gently bring him against the lockers so he's sitting up.

"I'll go get the nurse okay?" He nods.

I run down the hall to the nurses office. She's at her desk.

"Please come with me my boyfriend was in that fight." She gets up immediatly and follows me. I quicky walk down the hall with her next to me.

"Here." I say as I sit next to him. She looks at his leg and gasps. She looks back at his face. She looks so shocked.

"He needs stitches on his leg. Maybe even his face." She says frantically.

"Does he need the hospital?"

"Yes." She says. She gets up and walks quicly down the hall.

I sit on Rae's lap, not putting all my weight on him. "Baby you need to go to the hospital okay? She's calling right now." I say.

"O-ok." He takes a big breathe and his head leans forward like it just gave out. I pick it up and look at him. Now his eyes are really closed.

"Baby? Baby wake up!" I hit his cheek multiple times lightly. I start crying as I hear the sounds of sirens getting closer.

I hug around his neck lightly and lean my head on his shoulder. "Babe I love you. I-im so sorry." I sob in his shoulder.

I hear running down the hall. I pick my head up and see 3 men with firemen suits on, rolling a stretcher. I get off his lap and they pick him up.

"Be careful please." I cry. They get him on the stretcher. They roll him away and my body all of sudden turns into anger and I start to shake.

I stomp down the hall to the main office. The lady at the desk looks at me. I ignore her and walk further down. I reach the principles office and I open the door. Derek is sitting there, the principle at his desk, they are both looking at me. I walk in front of where Derek is standing.

"What is wrong with you?" I ask.

"Justin-" "no" I cut the principle off.

"You think it was just okay to do that? Huh? To just beat him up so bad that he has to go to the hospital now! You know I was actually starting to think you weren't so bad after you apologized to me. But I was damn wrong. You're the same little piece of shit that's always been here."


We both look at the principle. "Justin, I understand you are mad but I am taking care of it." He says.

I turn back to Derek. "Why did you do it?" I ask. "What?" He asks like he's stupid.

"I said, why did you do it?" I raise my voice.

"Because he's such a little brat! I like you Justin and that's why I did it. He doesn't deserve you. He's nothing!" He said.

"Oh. Oh so let me get this straight."

"Justin!" The principle yells. "Wait." I say clenching my teeth.

"You think it's okay to do that to someone for that reason? You like me? Okay. I don't like you! I said I did, yes, I did. But I don't! Not one bit. You proved to me you are just like everyone else in this damn school. I love Raegan. And I will never consider liking you ever again." I say and walk out.

I storm out of the office and go to locker. I grab my bag. Fuck staying at school. I'm going to see my boyfriend.

I walk into the hospital and go to the front desk. Before I ask for Raegan, I thought about something.

"Can I see Melissa Beast?" I ask praying that I could.

"Umm, yes you may. Relative?"

"Her son is my boyfriend. He's also here now." I sigh.

"Oh ok. Well she's in room 145."

"Thank you." I say and rush down hall.

I go up to the door of her room. I open the door and see her. So many tubes connected to her arms. I also see she is awake.

"Melissa?" She looks at me and smiles a little.

"Justin what are you doing here?" She asks. I go up to her and give her a little hug.

"First, I'm so glad you're okay." I say.

"Yea. Let's hope it stays that way.  Why aren't you in school?"

"The hospital didn't tell you what happened?" I ask.

"No. No what happened?" She asks.
Oop. Cliffhanger hehe😂 I will try as hard as I can to update again tonight I promise. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Plz comment that core 😘🙂
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¡Samantha Sarno¡

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