Chap. #5 💭

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Justin's pov:

It was the end of the day and I'm waiting at my locker for Raegan. I see him walking towards me and smile.

"Do you just want to follow me to my house? It's easier."

"Yea. Let's go." I say.

We walk out and get in our cars. I follow him to his house. It wasn't that far from my house actually.  We get out and go inside. He says hi to his mom and so do I. We go upstairs and go into his room. He shuts his door and sits on his bed.

"Talk to me. Now." He says crossing his arms.

"I don't know want you're talking about." I say.

"Come on Jay." He whines.

"No. This is not the reason I came over." I say and laugh a little.

I sat next to him.

"Why were you crying today? We are friends right, you can talk to me." He said.

"We are friends but I can't tell you."

"I don't understand."

"If you knew you would understand." I say.

"Then tell me so I can understand." He said.

"I can't." I raise my voice and stand up so my back was turned towards him.

"Ok. Ok don't want me to know." He said calmly.

I guess he got up because I felt his hands go on my hips from behind. My body immediatly tensed up. He makes me really nervous sometimes. He pressed his body all the way against mine.

"I just want you to know, you can talk to me about anything. Okay?"

I turn around and hug him around the waist. He hugs back and I hide my face in his chest. Fuck I can feel his abs.

"Okay. Thank you." I mummble in his shirt.

I feel him losen his grip but I didn't want to. I did though. We sat on his bed and I had the urge to ask him something.

"How are you and your girlfriend?"

"Oh, Jess, good. I really like her."

"Nice." So her name is Jess. Ok.

"Do you maybe want to spend the night?" He asks.

"Let me ask my dad."


I text my dad quick asking and wait for answer. He says it's fine.

"My dad said it's fine."

"Ok cool." He said.

We do our homework and get that over with. He helped me with mine. I couldn't help but just stare at him when he looked down at his paper. I honestly admire everything about his face.

"Why are you staring at me?" Oh shit.

"Oh, I-im sorry." I say hoping he would ignore it.

"It's alright." He said.

We finish and put our papers and books away. He lays on his stomach I'm front of me.

"Oh, so tell me something." He says.

"Like what?" I ask.

"Do you like any girls in our school? Got your eye on anyone?"

"What are we? Teenage girls talking about relationships?" I ask laughing.

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