Chap. #12 🙊

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Justin's pov:

(It's Wednesday 😊)

I walked into school and quickly went to my locker. I don't want to deal with any shit today I'm not in the mood. I just woke up in a bad mood today.

I opened my locker and in the corner of my eye saw someone walking up to me. Then I felt arms around my waist and a kiss on my cheek. That made me smile.

"Morning baby." He said. Omg this boy, he's so cute.


He released his hands from waist and I turned around.

"Meet me at lunch outside by that tree okay?"


The bell rings and I walk to class. He made me feel better, but I still just feel like shit today.

I walked outside to meet Rae for lunch. I sat by the tree and waited. Soon I saw him walk out with a few friends. He came to sit next to me and wrap his arm around my lower back. I gave him and little smile and he kissed me on the lips. We pulled away I hid my face in my hoodie all blushy.

"Awww you guys are dating?" His friend asked.

"Yea." Rae said.

"Cute!" He said. I laughed a little, I like his friends.

I saw his three friends that were sitting in front of us whispering.

"Jaegan!" They all yelled at the same time.

"What?" I laughed.

"That's your ship name." One said.

"Aww babe that's cute." Rae said.

"Yea I love it." I said.

Rae introduced me to his friends a little. Kale, Jack, and Jordan. They were all friends forever and they always supported him. Now they support us together. That's adorable.

I had study hall this period. (Last period) and I was roaming around the halls. I turn the other to a hall and see Derek against his locker on his phone. I didn't care, I just walked down the hall not acknowledging him.

"Hey Justin?" He said.

"What do you want?"

"Woah." He laughed.

"I'm not in the mood, bye."

He grabbed my arm before I walked away and slammed me into the lockers like yestarday.

"Where's your little boyfriend huh? Not here to save you."

"He's in class right now so obviously  not." I roll my eyes. "And let go of me I don't want deal with you today."

"That's not how is works." He smirks.

"Leave him alone!"

Derek and I both turn our heads and see Kale standing in in front of the hall.

"Or what?" Derek yells.

Then Jack and Jordan come out in view and start walking over. Derek let's go of me and stands there.

"Next time you touch him, Raegan will be here too to best your ass." Kale says.

Derek turns and walks away with no expression.

"Thanks guys." I keep my face with no emotion.

"No problem. Are you okay?"

"I don't know." I say and walk away.

I don't know why I'm such in a bad mood. Nothing can get my mood up rn. I wasn't paying attention and I walked into someone. It was Rae.

"Hey are you okay? You spaced out." He asked.

"I don't know. I'm not in the mood." I say annoyed.

"O-ok. Do you want to be alone?"

"Kinda." I said.

"Okay. I'll see you at the end of the day." He said.

I nod. He kisses my forehead and walks past me. I look back feeling bad. I didn't need to have an attitude with him. I don't know what's wrong with me.

The end of the day came quick thank god. I shut my locker when I was done and went to go find Rae before he found me. I saw him at his locker so snuck up behind him and jumped on his back. He screamed a little and laughed at him. I got higher on his back and attacked his face with kisses.

"Jaaaaayy stop." He whines smiling.

I get off his back and hug him. "You feel better?" He asks. I nod the pull away.

"I'm sorry I feel like I was being mean to you before. I just wanted space but now I'm okay. I didn't want to hurt your feelings or anything I-"

"Babe, Babe it's okay. You weren't mean I understand. I will give you as much space as you need anytime. Just know I'm here." He cut me off.

"Jeez, I love you." I pulled his collar and kissed him. He smiled.

"I love you too cutie. Want to come over?"

"Yea sure." I said. He grabbed my hand and we both went to our cars and I drove to his house. We went inside and to his room. He shut the door and my phone went off.

Dad❤: She said yes!

I smiled, wanting to cry. I'm so proud and happy for my dad.

Me: Oh my god I'm so happy for you dad.😊❤ I'm over rae's I'll see you after.

Dad: Ok❤

I must have still been smiling and I was actually crying.

"You are crying, but you look happy. I'm confused." Rae laughed.

"Yea. My dad just told some good news. I'm happy."

"Good because I hate seeing you sad." He said.

He got up and took off his shirt. I watched his every move and saw him pick out a shirt to wear. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. His whole....body.

"Want a picture?" He laughed.

I snapped back into what was really going on.

"You're staring. Want a picture it'll last longer?"

"S-sorry." I laughed.

He finally picked out a shirt and then fixed his hair in the mirror.

"You're perfect." I say.

"No I'm not." He said still looking at his reflection.

"Yes, you are. Your face and your body, like your the definition of perfect." I said and he smiled.

"Huh I wish. That's you." He said.

"No ew."

"Don't even say that. You're the perfect one."

"Nope, you are." I argued.

"No I-" I cut him off by kissing him. I crawled onto his lap and continues to kiss him.

"Shut. Up. Already." I said between kisses.

His hands to down slowly to my hips, to my back, then down to my ass. He rubbed it and I tried to contain my moans but I failed. Then he squeezed it hard and I moved up a little, more against his body, and he rested his hands there. I pulled away watching my breath. He was also.

"I'm going to start talking a lot more, more often." He smirked.

"Go ahead be my guest." I laughed.

"I love you baby." He said.

"I love you more, perfect." I say.

I know this is really late sorry but here you. I'm not putting this much effort into this story but do you guys still like it? It's going to get more interesting I promise 🙊😩 plz comment and votetil next time.
¡Samantha Sarno¡

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