Chap. #21🤷

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Justin's pov:

It's the next morning and Raegan and I just walked into school. All's I kept thinking about last night is his mom. I hope she's okay. She needs to be okay. Raegan and my dad will be devastated if anything bad happens to her. So will I.

I opened my locker and felt arms around my waist. I blushed and felt kisses on my neck. I tilted my head back to give him more access. He bit down and I let a moan slip out. I turn around and smirk at him.

"Rae we are in school. Keep it Pg." I laugh.

"It's never pg with me baby boy." He smirked back at me. "Mm hm. You're so innocent." I said to him.

"Ha that's funny, No I'm not."  He defended.

"Ha. Yes you are!" I say and run away so I have the last word. I laugh at myself and go to class.

It was lunch and we stayed inside today. It was cold.

"I'll be right back baby." I said to Rae.

"Okay love." He kissed me. I blushed and got up.

I went to the bathroom and did my business. I washed my hands and as soon as I got out, there he was. Derek, staring right at me from a few feet away. He walked closer to me. I didn't move I was frozen.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"You." Is all he said. My eyes widened as he said that.

"What?" Now he was right in front of me. Our bodies almost touching. I looked at him with my eyes, not moving my head.

His arms slowly moved to my waist as I watched his every move. I was still frozen. What he is doing? His face got closer to mine as our eyes met. His hands still on my waist, he leaned in and connected his lips with mine. I felt his lips and.....I kissed back. I felt this was Raegan? Why? I kept kissing back. No! Why?

I pulled away in pannic and took his arms away. I start shaking as I ran past him back to the lunch room. No. I can't go to the lunch room right now. I can't see Raegan's face. I need to tell him. But what if he breaks up with me? I can't loose him. But, he needs to know from me before it's from someone else and it's even worse.

I run to my class I have after lunch. This teacher was like my friend. Mr. Colp. (Made It up lmao it took me like a minute to think of a random name.)

I sat in the first seat and started crying. Did I feel something in that kiss? No I didn't. But I felt like I was kissing Raegan. My phone went off and I checked.

Babeh❤🙊: Where are you baby boy?

I ignored it and set my phone on the desk.

"What's going on Justin?" Mr. Colp asked. I can trust him. He's my favorite teacher.

"I kissed another boy while I'm still dating Raegan." I cried to him.

"Why would you do that?" He asked.

"I don't know! I don't know. I wasn't thinking. What if I lose him?" I cried to him.

"Oh Justin. Young love is hard. There will be people who come and go. You never know."

"But I love raegan Mr. Colp. I love him more than anything. I didn't mean to kiss derek." He looked at me weird.

"Derek? You kissed Derek?"

"Well he kissed me and I kissed back, for a while. What do I do?"

"Oh Justin tell him the truth. What ever happens, happens." He said.

"I can't lose my baby." My breathing got heavy. I calmed myself down as quick as I can. What have I done?

I've had every class with Raegan after lunch. He would try to talk to me but I would ignore him. How am I going to tell him this? Will he believe me.

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