Chap. #11 🤞

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Justin's pov:

Raegan had to go home last night and I need to go to school today. Ugh gteat.

I got out of bed and took a quick shower. I got out and texted my Rae.

Me: Morning Rae. I'm going to school today. See you there?

Rae😍✨: Yes you will 😙

I smile and get ready. I go downstairs and see my dad at the table.

"Morning dad." I smile.

"Well you're happy." He smiled back.

"Yea. You were right."

"Of course....wait about what?" He laughs.

"I told Rae I liked....and loved him. And he felt the same." I feel my cheeks heat up.

"Aww Justin I'm so happy for you. So you are dating?"

"Actually, No. We haven't talked about that." That's true we aren't dating...yet.

"Ok. Well tell me about what happens."

"I will." I smile.

"Be careful today with your ribs, you still have the wrap on it." He said.

"I know I will."

I was about to walk out of the kitchen until, "Justin?" He says my name.

"Yea dad?"

"Do you maybe want to go see my girlfriend this weekend?" He asks obviously nervous.

"Yea of course I want to meet her." I smile.

"I-im thinking of proposing today." He came up to me and showed me the ring he got.

"Woah. You're sure dad?"

He nods. "I really love her. I hope she says yes."

"I'm sure she will. I'm happy for you dad."

"Thanks Justin. I'm hoping you like her and her son."

"Yea of course I will. Good luck. Text me."

"Okay bye have a good day."

"Same to you."

And I shut the door. I got in my car and drove to school.

I get there and walk inside. Next thing I know, I'm on the ground, my hands holding me up. I hear laughing as I get up. I stand and see the kid who punched me that one day and some other kids with him.

"You better watch your back tranny." He said hitting my shoulder waking away while his little puppets follow him.

I run to my locker and take my books out. What did he mean by that Then I see Rae walking up me with a smile on his face. I walk to him quick and hug around his neck.

"Hey you okay?" He aksed.

"I'm scared." I mummble in his shoulder.

He pulls away from the hug and takes my hand. He brings me an old closet with nothing in it and shuts the door.

"What's wrong?" He asked coming closer to me.

"This kid this morning tripped me and he had a bunch of his friends with him. Then he called me a tranny and told me to watch my back." I pout.

"Was he tall? Brown short hair? Brown eyes?"


"Hm that fucking Derek. (Oop sorry not sorry i dont like him😂) He's an asshole."

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